Four Gods Purple Jade Plate

Luo Yun's expression was cold, he shook his backhand, grabbed the opponent's hand, and then with a slight force, the dagger fell from the opponent's hand.

When the dagger landed, Luo Yun had already pressed the opponent directly on the yard wall.

Grasp the opponent's wrist with one hand and pinch the opponent's neck with the other.

But because of this, he saw the other side's appearance clearly.

Actually a woman?

That's right, it was a woman who attacked Luo Yun!

Rumo's long hair is particularly eye-catching under the moonlight. On that beautiful suffocating cold face, it is quite right, as if it should be like this, perfect and flawless.

In the woman's icy eyes, icy cold light was shining, but it was glamorous, and at the same time, it gave people a feeling of being out of silt and not stained, and could only be viewed from a distance.

She was wearing a white dress, like a white lotus in full bloom.

But at this moment, this white lotus was pressed against the wall by Luo Yun without mercy!

"who are you?"

Luo Yun didn't let go because the other party was a woman, and then asked coldly.

The woman was expressionless, and suddenly a cold light flashed in her other hand, moving towards Luo Yun's heart.

Luo Yun frowned, and then released the hand that was holding his neck, directly blocking the opponent's wrist from the cold light, and then pressed it against the wall again.

Suddenly, the woman's hands were pressed against the wall by the monsoon, and she looked like a poor and helpless girl about to be tricked by a bad guy.

But this woman still looked at Luo Yun coldly, as if her expression had only such a look for her.

"Cough...cough cough..."

At this moment, a cough sounded from the courtyard, and an old man with a cane came out of the house hesitatingly.

The woman immediately reacted. The hands that were confined by Luo Yun were as soft as boneless, slipping out of Luo Yun's palms, and then a flash, fell on the old man's side and gently supported.

Luo Yun didn't stop the woman's movements, but turned to look at the old and the young, but there was an extra silver-white soft sword in his hand.

When the woman saw the soft sword, Liu her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she subconsciously touched her waist, only to find that the thing wrapped around her waist was gone.

When he was about to head towards Luo Yun, the old man looked at Luo Yun with his eyes and suddenly said: "Senior Luo, my name is Yan Younian, this is my granddaughter, Yan Hanqing, we have no intentions."

"Do you know me?" Luo Yun asked in doubt while holding a soft sword.

Yan had a smile for a few years, and nodded slightly, "My father was also involved in the things that year. His name is Yan Luobei."

"Oh? You are Yanluobei's son?"

Luo Yun's doubts vanished in an instant, and he immediately understood.

Luo Yun is no stranger to the name Yan Luobei. It was the appearance of this old boy that changed Luo Yun's life.

If it were not for the desert he invited Luo Yun to go with, perhaps Luo Yun would not have been sleeping for fifty-eight years.


Yan Younian sighed, "It's just that time flies, and the years make people grow old. I didn't expect that Senior Luo is really as rumored, his face is not old, but my father has already driven Hexi, and I have already half-footed into the grave. ."

Luo Yun's wrist flicked, and the soft sword flew towards Yan Hanqing. Yan Hanqing's eyes condensed, and he caught it. At the same time, he put it directly back into his waist like flowing water, turning into a belt on a dress.

Then he immediately retreated back to Yan Younian, as if there was nothing wrong with him, and returned to his indifferent expression again, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

Then Luo Yun asked indifferently: "Let's talk, what's the matter?"

"Hehe... nothing happened, but today I heard something about Senior Luo, and there were some small visions on the roof of Luo's house, so my granddaughter was offended to check it out. Please forgive me."

Yan Younian smiled suddenly, and then explained apologetically.

Luo Yun shook his head and said faintly: "I don't like roundabouts."

"In that case, Senior Luo will come in with the younger generation for a comment?"

Yan Ying had seen Luo Yun's attitude for many years, and suddenly put away his smile, and said slowly.

I didn't feel embarrassed by calling a young man in his early twenties to be seniors because he was over half a hundred years old next year.

Luo Yun's expression moved, and he nodded, which was considered an agreement.

Finally, Yan Younian walked into the room with the help of Yan Hanqing, and Luo Yun followed.

When Luo Yun and Yan Yi Nian took their seats, Yan Yi Nian said to Yan Han Qing: "Han'er, go under the bedside table inside and take that purple wooden box."

Yan Hanqing did not speak, but he turned and walked into the inner room.

"My grandson's personality is a bit colder, but her heart is not bad. I really couldn't blame Senior Luo just now."

After Yan Hanqing walked inside Yan Yian Yau, he suddenly said helplessly.

Luo Yun is not a person who bears grudges, and in that situation, there is indeed excuse, so he shook his head and said, "It's okay."

"Then... if you have something to say to the junior, just say it."

Yan pondered for a while, and then he said, "My father and them have safely sent out of Nepal for the things that year."

Luo Yun did not speak, because he knew that Yan hadn't finished speaking for a long time, and as expected, Yan continued to talk about the things at the time, "However, on the way to Xi'an, when passing by Yuan City, I sent you back. The Luo family, but on the second day after leaving the Luo family, the thing disappeared."

"You mean that jade plate?"

Luo Yun recalled those things back then, and asked aloud.

Yan Yau nodded: "Yes, that's right."

"Then tell me what to do? I can't help." Luo Yun said directly.

Yan Younian shook his head and sighed: "This time it is not to trouble the seniors to do something, but to help the juniors to see something."

"Do you want me to watch the jade plate?"

Luo Yun immediately guessed what the other party meant.

Yan Younian suddenly smiled bitterly: "Senior is right, but it's not all right, because the things you look at are not real objects, but photos."

After the smoke was over, Yan Hanqing walked out with a square purple box, and then placed it on the table.

Yan Younian stretched out his hand to gently open the box and took out a photo from the inside, but this photo was not an old-fashioned black and white photo, but a photo taken by high-definition photography, and then handed it to Luo Yun, slowly explaining: "After the four gods purple jade plate was obtained that year, it was strictly forbidden to take pictures in the expedition team, and all the people related to that year died, and only the seniors were still alive, so the seniors are asked to tell them, just to help the juniors take a look at the four gods on it. The purple jade plate, is it the same one that year?"

When Luo Yun heard the words, he glanced down.

The picture shows a purple jade plate the size of a human head, with four corners on it, branded with the images of Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu and Suzaku.

What makes people feel weird is that in every corner of the four gods purple jade plate, including the four sacred beasts, there are two fishes swimming around.

On the whole, it looks a bit abrupt!

Luo Yun narrowed his eyes, was silent for a while, nodded and said: "This is indeed what the four gods purple jade plate looked like back then, but if it is, you must see it in person to know."


Yan Younian's eyes lit up suddenly, and he asked a little excitedly.

Luo Yun glanced at him: "Where did it come from?"

"It is an item displayed at the charity dinner of the Chen Family in Yuan City."

Yan Younian immediately said, "As for how the Chen family came, it is still under investigation."

Luo Yun took a deep breath: "You don't need to tell me this. I don't want to mix things up in the past, so if you can help, I have already helped, so don't let it go."

Luo Yun got up and was about to go outside.