
June 2, 2561. 10:00am

A tall, middle-aged looking man with average features and deep dark hair laid on an experiment table in a lab room filled with monitors. Five people surrounded him with lab coats on while an average height black male was checking his vitals

"Subject is stable and ready for the final phase, brainwaves are also normal" said the black male in a gruff voice

"Hippocampus and frontal lobe also normal, all major veins functioning properly, heart rate is steady and no abnormalities with skeletal structure"

A blonde white female who looked like in her forties and had square rimmed glasses on suddenly spoke "Since everything is fine, we can proceed with E80P9"

"Yes ma'am"

The black male and everyone in the lab room became extremely serious and tense. If they succeed with this phase, it would be revolutionary and ground-breaking. The subject in particular happens to be the only person who's survived so far for this long so they became extremely tense.

He immediately went over to the nearby table and picked up a cylinder containing an extremely black liquid that kept on squirming, seeming like it wanted to break free of the container. The man looked at the liquid with zeal and worship for some split seconds before snapping out of it and grabbing a huge metallic syringe to extract the liquid after which he observed

"Ironai dose responsive, mass stable, ready for injection"

The blonde woman adjusted her glasses and nodded before proceeding to collect the syringe from the man, and immediately everyone got to their work stations

She proceeded carefully and arrived before the man on the table whose eyes were open and emotionless, she looked at him and shook her head before sighing and speaking to the man

"Be happy, you're doing the world and humanity a huge favour"

There was no response from the man as his eyes and face showed no emotion, the woman didn't bother anymore before turning to speak to another woman who was brunette that was standing close to the monitor behind the lab table

"Remove it"

The brunette woman nodded as she walked towards the man on the table before placing her hands on his head and slowly removed the top part of his head, leaving his brain exposed.

The blonde woman saw this and steadied her hands as she injected the liquid into the brain. Immediately she did, the man started to spasm and monitors began beeping as the woman shouted and retreated a few distance from the table


Immediately after the shout, a black dome covered the area around the table after which a thick and squarish metallic cage covered the dome as everywhere became silent.

Meanwhile inside the dome, the liquid began deconstructing and reconstructing everything, replacing it with its properties from the brain, to the skeleton to the blood vessels, blood, eyes heart, reproductive systems and so on and as this was going on, an immense force was being pushed into the body of the man acting as a membrane and stabiliser. The man had long lost his consciousness while this went on

Outside the metallic structure, everyone observed the condition of the man through the monitor in suspense, after about five hours there was a response as everyone became alert. The black male stared at the screen to the point where his eyes seemed to pop out

"T-This, oh goodness"

Everyone also knew exactly what this feedback was a success

The blonde woman almost wanted to kneel and cry and everyone began to breathe roughly because they knew what this meant. After a few minutes, the blonde woman composed herself and spoke in a soft but shaky tone

"Deactivate safety measures"

The metallic cage was released but the black dome was nowhere to be seen, apparently it must have been part of the experiment.

However, nothing laid on the table but there was a tall naked man with black hair, extremely toned muscles and perfect facial structures with his eyes closed,

Immediately everyone saw him, they were speechless before an uproar ensued as they began to hug each other. Some even started crying and the blonde lady was lost in her own world.

But that all came to a halt as the man opened his eyes which was pitch black, so black that it could lead you into the abyss before he opened his mouth and spoke in an emotionless and robotic voice


[Body Unstable...Error...]

[Boot Failure...Error....]


The man kept on spewing error messages in a robotic voice like some broken tape as everyone watched with their hearts in their lungs

[Finding Optimal path...Path found...]

[Beginning decomposition and spatial disruption...ETA 5secs]

Immediately the man began to vibrate as his eyes closed, the air in the room became heavy as everyone started finding it hard to breathe. The blonde woman then realised that something was terribly wrong as she sought to escape but alas it was too late as she couldn't move a muscle.

As the countdown hit zero, the man's body was shattered from the leg up and curled into a black spherical mass and began to affect space in the room as it kept absorbing, everyone in the room didn't even have the time to speak as they were disintegrated along with the lab and building, and everything in a 10 mile radius was vaporized before the black ball disappeared not to be seen anymore.