Origins (2)

Cain hurried down the stairs with a stained white towel but that was the least of his problem right now. He couldn't believe what he just heard, no he refused to believe it all the while assuring himself in his head

'Mandy would never do such a thing, I'm sure there's a mistake somewhere. Yes that's it'

He eventually reached downstairs but Amanda was nowhere to be found, he shouted her name yet again but there was no response. He searched everywhere in the huge mansion but nothing, his heart was beating so fast that it almost seemed to want to shoot out of his chest

"Kaiser, call my wife" ordered Cain but he was met with silence, no reply could be heard

"The hell, Kaiser, I said call my wife" he shouted, this time in annoyance but yet again he was ignored, the A.I named Kaiser couldn't even be bothered to answer him

Cain was so angry that he cursed "what the fuck, of all times to malfunction it's now?"

He didn't want waste his time anymore with the stupid A.I as he rushed towards the door and stepped outside and stood, seemingly waiting for something. Normally, immediately he stepped outside, his Mobeen 65 series car would come meet him but he stood there for more than two minutes with his stained white towel like an idiot but nothing.

"Fuck! why now of all times are these A.I's being fucking stupid" he cursed yet again in annoyance.

He decided to go meet the car instead which was in the underground parking lot, after walking for more than five minutes he reached in front of the door leading inside.

"Kaiser, open the d-"

"Ah fuck, this stupid A.I controls this door as well. I'll have to lodge a complaint to-" he paused, as his red eyes grew wide seemingly remembering something before he turned back and ran towards the main door to the house

He reached the door but unsurprisingly it was closed, Kaiser was in charge of handling all house affairs and only recognised the house occupants namely him, his wife and his two children who were currently abroad.

"Of course it's fucking closed damn it" he was so frustrated that he nearly pulled his hair out. He eventually decided to reach the first manual override terminal which was not far from the gate.

He walked for over ten minutes barefooted under the sun with sweat rendering his earlier shower useless. He reached the terminal which was rectangular and covered in reinforced tempered glass with black buttons on the side. He then proceeded to key in his identification number


It sounded, as a red light showed indicating that his ID number was incorrect, he cursed again and typed forcefully almost wanting to break the poor thing but was still met with a series of loud bzzz sounds like a buzzer on a game show

He punched the tempered glass but alas, the terminal stood its ground as he was only left with a sharp pain on his bruised knuckle

"Argh fuck! this motherfucker, just what the hell is going on" he cursed and yelped like a crazed crackhead. He was practically stuck, he couldn't go outside because the gate was controlled by the A.I Kaiser as well, he couldn't go into the house, he was barefooted under the sun with only a stained white towel tied on his waist

In frustration and helplessness, he slowly walked back towards the entrance of the house and sat on the floor to patiently wait for his wife to get back.

Approximately six hours later the gate opened and a red Mobeen 65 series entered, Cain saw this and immediately stood up. The car finally arrived in front of the main entrance as its doors opened.

He first saw his wife Amanda step out with her white bob marley shirt and a bum short with shimmer pink colored cat eyed shades and then a young looking boy of about twenty six years of age with blonde hair styled in a short quiff haircut , blue eyes with a nose piercing wearing a black round neck t-shirt and blue fitted jeans with black chelsea boots

Cain looked at the boy and was first surprised before he spoke "Mason, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Spain?"

Mason Ashel, his only son and the youngest of his two children whom he was extremely proud of, not just for being his father but also because of the young man's achievements.

Before Mason could speak, Amanda interjected with a smile on her face

"Well, if it isn't my dear husband, please pray tell why are you looking so unkempt with only a towel"

Cain then turned to focus on Amanda, he could sense her sarcasm but ignored it as he cleared his throat and spoke

"Mandy, is what I've heard true?" said Cain as he went straight to the point without beating around the bush

Amanda chuckled lightly and asked a question of her own "and what have you heard, husband?"

"Don't play with me, you know what I mean" shouted Cain trying to avoid mentioning the topic in front of his son

"Well, quite a few things have happened so your question is a little vague dear husband" she said in amusing tone

She continued "Hmm let's see, Zelga belongs to Ashel Corp now, I took over after you 'willingly' stepped down, we then proceeded to open a new organisation called Ashel Guild, I de-authorised all your access codes, froze your accounts and transferred all your money into mine and Mason's, hmm what else, I seem to be forgetting something but this is a little summary which is why I said your question was vague, dear husband"

The more Cain heard the more his heart shattered and the more shocked he was with disbelief plastered all over his face as he staggered back

"Why?" he said in a quivering tone as he eyes became wet with tears threatening to pour down and caress his face

Amanda looked at him like she was looking at an idiot and spoke in annoyance "why? hah, still a fool even now. You don't even know what goes on around you, you don't even know yourself, like a sheep who needs a shepherd to tailor its movements, you're stale Cain, very stale"

She paused and spoke again "I have never loved you, I have never once considered you a partner worthy of me, I got close to you not because of your business acumen or your philosophical mind, no. The reason I did was because of you, no should I say because of your biological make up"

Cain kept listening as his mind shattered more and more, this was a nightmare that he dearly wished to wake up from but reality proved to be a brutal teacher, Amanda however continued

"You see Cain, I am a scientist, I am curious by nature. Look at you, you really thought why you looked middle aged despite being over eighty years of age is because of the Vita Energy Boost?"

Cain was still silent, his eyes dimming as waves and waves of harsh words crashed into his fragile mind.

Amanda noticed as she continued to drive home her point "It isn't because of that. Look at me, I use Vita Energy Boost to reduce ageing but Cain, your biological make up didn't need it. I only lied to you claiming that I mixed it in your protein shakes. You see, when I first saw you sixty years ago, I was just an assistant. You came for a medical check up and your blood sample was taken"

This time Cain looked at her as his pupils dilated and his heart jolted

She grinned "Yes that's right, I knew you long before we even got together, that's when it happened, that's when my curiosity in you peaked, that's when I became obsessed with you, you were an interesting subject and so I researched but I couldn't find anything, not even your family and I came at a dead end. That was when I decided to look for you"

She got closer to him and spoke "I was certain I could make you mine because I was confident in my looks but I didn't need that, what I needed was a puppy, a cute puppy who I could wrap around my fingers so I was worried my plan wouldn't work"

She paused again and looked at him "But who knew the heavens would be on my side, you were the perfect fool, a self righteous, intelligent and kind hearted man who was also very gullible. I knew I had hit the jackpot, but then I realised you had a girlfriend so I arranged to have her killed and the rest, well you know"

Cain stared wide eyed at this woman and for the first time, he wasn't sure who he married, no he had no idea who she was from the very start

Amanda looked at him and scoffed "You think all your wealth was gotten through legitimate business deals? I allowed you to operate on the surface but 95% of all your wealth is actually illegal and they all belong to me. I operated in the shadows and made sure that MY company would be sufficient for my plans"

"You see dear husband, fifty years ago something happened, the planet was changing, new species of animals kept appearing and people with strange powers sprung up. We immediately had them seized and kept it under wraps, then we realised that something serious was going to happen so I carefully put plans in place"

She then sighed "Unfortunately we underestimated the rate at which these people with powers would spring up, hence what happened in Canal Street today and now, the streets are filled with these people. It's mess out there you know. You should thank me for keeping you in here, it's why I had to rush and get Mason"

She looked at him again and smiled "Well thankfully, it didn't affect my plans much. So It's all good"

She then laughed, obviously taking great pleasure in seeing Cain like this before she stopped and hit him with a final nail in the coffin "dear husband, I guess I should also tell you this since I've already come clean to you"

She then beckoned to Mason who has been silent ever since he got there as she continued

"You see, Mason is actually not even your son, as for Selina, well she's actually your daughter but not mine, I collected your sperm and put it into some stupid broad who was looking for a quick cash. Hmph, after she gave birth I killed the idiot. At that time I had my A.I simulate a pregnancy fibre for me, dare I say it was a work of perfection as you had no clue I wasn't even pregnant"

She paused again as she observed his shocked reaction before she smiled and continued

"I tried manipulating that fool called Selina but she really loved your pathetic self, so I gave up for the time being but well, who knew I would find love and that's when Mason came in"

She looked at Mason and smiled and pointed at him "You see, my sweet Mason here loves his mama very much, so much that he would do anything for me, so I had him monitor Selina and 're-educate' her"

Cain looked at his 'wife' and 'son' in horror as she continued "right now, Selina is currently in our facility, she's got your blood after all so she's a good test subject. Don't worry you'll join her soon enough"

Cain's mind became blank, his fragile heart that was still grasping at any little hope crumbled as words were stuck in his throat before he collapsed on the floor.