
Over the past ten years, Cain had learned a whole lot about this world called Medora, besides training, creating spells or technique and extrapolating skills, he would often be taught by his personal tutor which was Dominic and sometimes even by Lily.

He would also visit the library to learn about the history of the world and the Ashel family in particular. He always felt something was off, having the same name in his previous life could be seen as a coincidence but having the same surname as well was not merely a coincidence anymore.

Right now he was in a certain restricted area in the family library as numerous books were scattered on the table, but at this moment he was reading a particular yellow book in his hands with furrowed brows, when he saw the name of the book, he was immediately interested

He kept reading and was drawn to a certain line

{...The soul is a very complex part of any existence, but it is also a very precious resource of the universe, souls that are not destroyed are recycled into either the same world or a new world in three ways being:

1. Empty Recycle: The most common recycling, souls without minds, no recollection is possible, souls are clean slates.

2. Partial Recycle: Rare but not uncommon, these souls have partial recollection of previous lives mostly in the form of instincts or ideas.

3. Mind Recycle: Extremely rare, these souls have full recollection and awareness of previous lives}

He paused here as he thought 'isn't this basically reincarnation?, so this world is aware of it, even on earth it was just mere speculations, hmm well I guess this isn't a high ranked world for nothing'

He continued reading the book until he reached the very last paragraph

{...All souls are the same regardless of species which allows for easy recycling but souls with minds are a little more special, they can only be recycled into similar species to allow for easy adaptation...}

'Seems like this is as far as it goes, after all this is only the first volume' he thought but he learned a whole lot from this. He now understood why some people had brilliant ideas all of a sudden or why some people just naturally found some things easier to do more than others which was quite ironic

'Well maybe it might be talent or maybe because of the soul instinctively knowing exactly what to do' thought Cain as he stroked his chin

Still he didn't know why some souls went through mind recycles and why others went through empty recycles, he just chucked it up to the book being only the first volume and him not being an immortal yet, he dropped the book down and picked up another book which was blue in color and titled

He knew that bloodline carriers had a special prestige in this world but he wanted to know exactly what it originated from, he didn't have much time to peruse these books because of his training and lectures, and although he was told a bit about bloodlines, he wanted to know the full history so he made sure to at least get into this restricted area at least.

Flipping the book, he read little by little but skipped the useless parts as it was something he already knew, not long after he found what he was looking for

{...People with bloodlines are descendants of gods, these powers manifest naturally after a specific amount of time given there is enough energy in the world....}

Stopping there he rubbed his forehead as he was deep in thought 'so does this mean that gods were actually present in this world? If the answer is yes then what happened to them? was this a supreme ranked world previously? are these gods even still alive?

Cain had even more questions the more he read, but for now he didn't have the power to explore these questions yet, besides even the more restricted areas in the library were not open to him, he had to plead with his parents intensely just to even get access to this area and it was only limited for one day but it was enough for him

He kept reading the book about bloodlines and was intrigued, apparently one could also become a bloodline carrier without being a descendant but the survival rate was extremely low and besides one needed the blood of an actual god, something which he didn't even want to think of but he had a certain idea which struck him like a thunderbolt

Nevertheless, he kept on reading, he read different books and when he read a book titled , his eyes grew wide, some of his questions were answered but still more questions arose in his mind

After reading the book he sighed, "even more questions than answers but one thing is for certain, seems like my journey might just be a long one "

He looked at the ceiling as if trying to gaze at the sky beyond before speaking mockingly

"Fate is a funny thing, we run around like headless chickens under its strings, at the end of the day we're all puppets"

The door to the room was opened as a guard spoke politely, snapping him out of his thoughts

"Young master, your time is up"

Cain looked at the guard and nodded as he got up from his sit before stepping out of the room 'I've read what needed to be read for now, although I will have to make slight adjustments to my plans, still there is no problem, the wovec meeting is soon so I have to be prepared'

Wovec meeting, wasn't a meeting of sorts but a battle for resources between the five empires of Raoina continent. It's something that happens only once every century and this time the location was in Croye empire which was quite a distance from Varmon, about two months by airships.

Each empire would send representatives of different ranks to battle, the winning empire would then choose a land for expansion thereby gain the resources available there.

One may wonder why these empires don't just fight and claim it for themselves, but the truth was, it happened numerous times which led to war between these empires, and with war comes loss, these lands were lost and destroyed, becoming danger zones, so after a while they all decided it was time to set a truce and organize a meeting of sorts

Cain knew he was definitely going to be among those representing the empire, after all the royal family was aware of him but most importantly he wanted to go, no, he had to go. The success of his plans depended heavily on this meeting, he knew his plan was quite ambitious but he had to do it.

He was walking on a tight rope, although the empire seemed peaceful, something was brewing in the shadows, he could feel it, and not just him, he felt like the noble families could all feel it. He was weak, too weak for his liking and he knew just the way to become powerful in a short period of time

Cain began walking towards his residence as his extraordinary mind began making calculations at inhuman speeds, he stopped as his eyes slowly turned pitch black and a small grin appearing on his face

"Well, time to call my cute little rabbits"