
Days passed in the airship, everyone engaging in one thing or the other. Dullness was a thing that was all too distant to the atmosphere. Chatters and the sounds of instruments reverberated in the airship. The top and tail sections offering different vibes but it was lively nonetheless. It reminded one of New York, the city that never sleeps.

Under the bright lights in the streets of the sub sector, it seemed to be nighttime as the artificial sky dimmed in dark blue, a sort of matte feel. The shops were lined in rows on each side of the street. Their lights were still on, nobles wandered around, trying their hands at different things.

Street singers with different kinds of instruments became the main point of attraction as they happily entertained their onlookers. The crowd was bustling. Laughters, cheers and applauses became choir-like as it harmonized with the instrumentals.

In all this bustle, a girl sauntered on the street. Her long hair shining under the street lights. Her expression one of confidence and amusement. She wore what looked like a black corset. Her tits the size of a beach ball, her slim waists overshadowed by her wide hips.

Her figure attracted the gazes of the opposite gender, her ass like that of the ripest peach, with each segment bouncing up and down at every step she took. She was hard to miss despite her smallish figure—well for her gender. She became like a pop star entertainer, one whose eyes the crowd pinned on.

She knew this, her confidence stemmed from this. Behind her hazel colored eyes was a gaze of slight mischief. Her luscious pink lips displayed a slight smile as her vision never wavered. She always kept staring straight, head high and one hand on her hips. Despite the whistles and the cat calls, she kept walking as her hips swayed from side to side..

It may have seemed arrogant, but no no one complained, they just admired her. Even the street performers she passed missed a chord as they noticed her figure. She was that enchanting and nothing is more dangerous than a confident, charming woman.

The girl in question just kept walking, right now she just wanted to get something, only she knew where she was going.

After taking her sweet time walking, she reached in front of a dress shop which read 'Midnight Workings'. Some girls could be seen standing in front of the shop, twiddling their thumbs, their cheeks a bright red. When they saw her eye-catching figure, they were surprised—probably of her boldness—by what she wore. But their gaze held a slight respect and envy.

Her smile widened, she knew she had come to the right place. She opened the door as it creaked, the bell above rang, signaling her entry. Inside the shop had a dull but energetic atmosphere, a rare combination of two opposites but it worked.

Extremely provocative looking clothes were all around, wieners of all sizes and colors—most likely some sort of dildos—were placed at every corner, acting like decorations. Her eyes darted around, her expression that of a hungry fat kid looking at a box of pizza, the shop wasn't too big but it wasn't small either.

A shopkeeper could be seen at a corner on the far end, seemingly minding her business, almost like she was a mannequin. The girl didn't even care about her, all she cared about were what she saw. Whips of all colors, mage robes sewn in a slinky style, provocative clothes, 'dildos' and so on.

She felt like she was in heaven. The best part was that it was free, she was going to abuse it. The only thing in her mind was,

'I know Cain will like this, which guy doesn't?'

Yes, that's right, the oh so sexy and mischievous girl was Tara, in all her graceness and delusions. In her mind, he was hers. Like a snake protecting its eggs, she began to mark her territory, protecting her man. The past few days all she did was stalk and take notes. She became like the most studious student in a classroom full of Einsteins.

She did not want to miss anything—what he ate, where he went, his hobbies, his favorite colors—it was a never ending cycle of something you would see in a creepy teen scream movie. Some might find it tiring but she didn't, she loved it. Every other boy became withered grass to her, something that didn't even warrant her attention.

Right now she became something like that detective who found a very exciting case, the hunger and drive to solve the case at any and all costs. Was she sick? Well if you asked her she would say it's love, yes that's right, she was in love with him. It was normal to her, to want to know everything about your man, nothing was strange about it.

To be at your sexiest, have other guys lust for her but know they can't have her because she belonged to another. She felt like a prized trophy, something that one should cherish and never let go. She wanted to be his forbidden fruit, his Eve, she wanted to hold him tight to her and whisper sweet temptations into his ears.

Her fantasies never stopped running wild, in fact she had almost forgotten that she was on a mission for Ellen. All day everyday, her head was filled with lust, skin on skin, mind blowing sex of different variations and techniques.

Even her magic research sessions dove into how she could apply some spells to her bed techniques. How her bed—which would have the feel of a quagmire—would react at every thrust of his dick. She wanted that, she wanted him. No that wasn't right, he was hers and it was set in stone.

This was her thought process, quite simple and straightforward if you asked her. Looking at everything being displayed here, her eyes almost became dreamy, she had slipped into her thoughts again and one man was at the center of this.

She snapped out of her daze, she didn't waste any more time as she started her aggressive selection. There were only four people in the shop—the shopkeeper, she and two other girls—but they were the last thing that was on her mind.

She wasn't as shy and meek as the other girls, she knew what she wanted, she knew who she came here for, she knew who she would wear this for, so why waste her precious time. So she began, it was a 'night' to never forget for the shopkeeper. Though everything was free, because of an agreement with the empire, Tara surprised her to no end.

Tara almost looked like she was in a high speed chase, cops breathing down her neck and if she stopped it was over for her. Her adrenaline surged to calamitous levels, she kept picking and dropping. The ones she liked she shoved into her space ring, the ones she didn't, she discarded.

After she was done with the clothes and the whips, she proceeded to the 'dildos', her eye shone in a magnificent light. Her thoughts erupted once more as she kept imagining what his dick looked like, tasted like, felt like, how hot it was. The shopkeeper and the girls kept looking at her twisted expression, they felt like a spider crawled up their skins.

Tara remained in a daze, her mouth almost drooling. She was almost breathing hard like an athlete who just ran a 100m. It was a weird scene, everyone was uncomfortable and they were probably thinking something in the lines of,

'Just who is this sicko?'

Tara cared not for whatever they may be thinking. She snapped out of her daze as her mind began making calculations. Numbers flying in and out of her head. By this time she already knew Cain's height, leg length, waist length and so on.

So she inferred from all her informations and made quick calculations. Like a supercomputer performing complex algorithms. Once she was done, her gaze sharpened and she drew in a long, cold breath and steadied herself.

She had come to a conclusion, so she made her way towards a 'dildo'—or whatever it was—and held it in her hand. It was the conclusion she came to, a flaccid but thick looking dick. No one needed to know the length of it when it stiffened, it was clear it was a rod of doom.

She kept it in her ring. She was satisfied and exhaled relaxedly. It felt like she had just run a marathon, leaving the shopkeeper and the girls in a daze with their mouths agape.

She walked out of the shop with a big smile on her face, she was happy with her 'purchase'. Next stop for her was to make preparations for tomorrow. A big day of stalking awaited her.


Cain was in his room, doing research, meditating and training. Suddenly he felt a chill, like it suddenly became cold. The past few days he felt someone stalking him, he was getting tired of it. It irritated him a bit but there was nothing he could do.

It was prohibited to kill in the airship, noble or not. You had to go by the rules. Now that he was keeping up a facade, it was best to leave it that way and not waste his efforts and years of planning.

But he knew who was following him, he remembered her. The commoner he met in the restaurant. Now he knew it wasn't just love, he concluded in his mind that she had mental problems.

However he remained indifferent to it, as long as she didn't get in his way then all was okay. Nevertheless, the moment she became a thorn in his flesh, she would be uprooted clean.

He closed his eyes again and continued his research, oblivious that a manic and obsessed tigress was hot on his heels.