Hope Is A Dangerous Thing

When Tara noticed that Cain was just a few feet away from her, she didn't know what to think anymore. Her mind raced faster than a bugatti. She couldn't even respond when he spoke. She suddenly became mute. But who could blame her, the man she loved just approached and spoke to her.

She felt refreshed, It was like suddenly finding an oasis after being stranded in a desert. Overjoyed would be an understatement to explain what she felt right now. But it was taking all her sheer willpower for her to remain standing. She clutched the pole intensely with her right arm as she was a little hunched.

Her lace thong panty was soaked, almost like it was placed under a heavy downpour of rain. She tried to calm herself and steady her breath but it didn't work. She could smell him. His scent was like melted chocolate with a hint of vanilla. She loved chocolates and vanillas, she wanted to gobble him up. Now she had a brief idea of what his dick tasted like. She wanted to smear her face on it right now.

As she thought this, her eyes suddenly looked at his zipper. Her mind was pushing her, to rip it open, to push him down, to lay waste to him. Her grip on the pole became tighter. She bit her lips till it it bled a little. Her face was scrunched. She looked like she was having a constipation. This was too much for her, he was too much for her.

Meanwhile, Cain frowned a little as he observed this strange human. Ever since he spotted her, walked towards her and then talked to her, she went from bad to worse. Could he even have a proper conversation with her he wondered. But he thought back to the first meeting, she wasn't like this—at least not this severe.

Some of the onlookers had weird expressions on their faces as they looked at Tara. Some girls thought she was in pain and wanted to offer some help but Cain's intimidating presence hindered them. Tara really did look like she was in pain to the ordinary eye, otherwise one couldn't explain her behaviour.

But only Cain was aware, only he knew that what she felt wasn't pain, what she felt was ecstasy. He had read about people like this before—people with Obsessive Love Disorders—but Tara's case was bordering on insanity.

His expression eased as it became as blank as a plastic mask and spoke once more, "Can you hear me? We need to go somewhere private and have a talk."

But even Cain severely underestimated the degree of her madness. The only words her brain registered were—'We need to go somewhere private...'

Everything after that was a blur and inconsequential. So she began to hyperventilate. Her breathing became uneven. Her mind exploded into various imaginations. She felt like this was a confession to her. Private? Of course she knew the perfect private place—his room.

Obviously she wouldn't choose any other place, she wanted to immerse herself in anything belonging to Cain. Every single thing. Her grip on the pole became much tighter as she did her very best to calm herself. She needed to respond quickly. She felt that if she didn't, she would lose this opportunity.

Cain however just kept staring at her and shook his head. She definitely wasn't normal. He didn't want to deal with her any further, so he decided to just leave her be for now. If it wasn't for the fact that they were inside the airship, he would've slain her on the spot.

"Alright then, it seems like a coversation won't be possible so I'll be taking my leave," he said. "Just stop stal—"

"No!" she shrieked, and startled the curious onlookers. "Please, don't leave."


Cain was silent for a moment before he rubbed his temples. He felt like he was having a migraine. But if she was able to talk then it was okay. Better to address the issue now than leave it to fester.

"So you can indeed hear me," he said as he looked down at her coldly. "Like I said earlier, we need to have a good—"

"We can go to your place," she hollered, not caring about the gazes of the nosey onlookers.

Cain was a little irritated, this was the second time he was interrupted. Nevertheless he brushed it off, it was a small matter. However he thought about her response. It was perfectly rational to take her to his place. That was as private as it got after all. He didn't trust her to behave in a public setting and he was much more comfortable in his residence anyways.

After thinking about it, Cain nodded, "Well, that's not a bad idea. Alright, follow me, I have some questions to ask you."

However Tara's mind was wired to hear only what she wanted to hear and in this case it was 'alright, follow me'. Right now she couldn't believe it, she felt on top of the world. She was heading to his place. If she was allowed, she would mark this day as a national holiday. So she used every strength she had in her to steady herself.

Cain just watched with a plain expression as she struggled to compose herself. After what seemed like a few seconds, she was good to go. The people who kept observing didn't know what to make of this, but both Cain and Tara couldn't be bothered with their thoughts.

And so Cain made his way back to the main sector with Tara behind. Her eyes kept staring at his back, admiring the muscles behind. She forced herself not to blink. She felt like if she did, she would lose even the tiniest detail concerning him.

Cain couldn't care less about what she was up to. All that was in his mind now was to question her and see if she was useful. For a commoner to be in the top section meant that she had powerful backing. If she proved she was useful enough, he was going to use her obsession towards him in his favor.

After some time they reached Cain's residence. Tara's eyes were still on Cain, her sight never departing from him like a hungry lion.

Luckily for Cain, his sisters weren't around, he couldn't afford to be embroiled in another drama. Tara followed silently behind like a chick followed its mother. She was quiet all through but her silence was just a facade. Inwardly, her mind was in disarray. It was quite a miracle that she was even able to steady herself and walk.

Cain opened the door to his room and stepped in. Meanwhile Tara just stood in front of the door as her eyes darted around, she almost seemed like the vampires in movies who needed permission to enter.

"What are you waiting for? Come in," he said

Tara snapped out of her daze and entered. Her body shook once more when she entered. She took in the sights of everything. From the crystalline looking walls, to the the beautiful chandeliers, the sofa and most especially the bed. She made sure to carve this sight deep into her memory.

As she saw his bed, her gaze sharpened and she became extremely serious. She kept nodding to herself inwardly that she came prepared. She unconsciously rubbed her space ring lightly as she stared intently at the bed. Her expression became dreamy once more as she slipped into her lustful thoughts.

Cain just saw all this and remained calm. He would only decide her worth after he questioned her.

"Sit down," he commanded calmly.

Tara was snapped out of her daze yet again, when she heard him she immediately made her way towards Cain. Although there was a free sofa just opposite him, she wanted to sit beside him. How could she, his Lilith, sit far from him—preposterous.

But before she could even come close, Cain shot her a cold stare, "You had better not come here." He pointed at the sofa opposite him. "That's where you should be."

When she saw how cold and unfeeling he was towards her, she almost let out a soft moan. However she calmed herself and obeyed him. Although she was a little sad, she was his and his words were final to her.

After she sat, Cain didn't beat around the bush, "So tell me, why is someone like you in the top section?". He knew why she kept stalking him and didn't want to waste his time asking her pointless questions.

Tara didn't take any offence in that, rather she was glad that she was conversing with her lover.

"D-Dear," she stammered as her cheeks became a bright red. "Her highness just took a liking to me. I don't know if I mentioned this before but I awakened to a rare element."

Cain's didn't flinch even when she used a term of endearment for him. He was just calmly analysing and quantifying her worth to him.

"You mentioned 'her highness', who in particular?"

"Her highness Ellen, d-dear."

Cain was silent, his right fingers began to drum rhythmically on the armrest. He remembered Ellen, he had seen her about three times and only spoken to her once. Nevertheless she left a strange first impression on him. Still, he put that to the back of his mind, right now it seemed that Tara was at least worth something, she wasn't entirely useless.

"You also said you had a rare element, what is it?"

Tara stared at him with glittering eyes. She loved that her man took interest in her, she loved that he kept asking her questions, she loved that he wasn't repulsed when she called him 'dear'. She was extremely happy, she knew she made the right choice. This confirmed to her that Cain loved her as well.

So she happily answered, "It's the sound element my dear." This time she was bolder, she stammered no more. To her, it made no sense to keep stuttering while conversing with her lover. She felt it was a little embarrassing to him.

Cain was unperturbed, nevertheless he was a little surprised. Just like blood element, the sound element was also one of the rare elements. Although it wasn't as rare as the blood element, it was still rare nonetheless. Only about one in two million people could awaken to it. Right now he had already come to a conclusion. She could be his little pawn.

He didn't need to ask to know that she attended The Vespertine Academy of Mages. Anyone with half a brain could think of that. Ellen wouldn't waste her time poaching someone from another academy. In Cain's mind he thought that maybe she was being prepared to be drafted into the royal family.

Things like this always happened. All the nobles did it, they always took the extremely talented mages into their families. It's the major reason why these academies existed. There was no free meal in the world. You give as much as you take.

Right now she was his golden goose. He kept on scrutinizing her, he could almost read her like a book. He wasn't stupid, he knew what she wanted but he would not budge on that. However, he would give her hope. He was reminded of a quote he heard one time from one of his old classics.

'Hope is a dangerous thing, hope can drive a man insane'

He paused in his thoughts, 'Or in this case, a woman.'

His lips parted into a dark grin as his crimson eyes narrowed into slits. He already had good plans for her. He would squeeze her dry and once her worth expired, he would send her pathetic soul to the afterlife.