Mantis Stalking The Cicada

Cain sped past all the mutated beasts who shrank in fear when they felt his aura. He encountered no other rank one beasts, after all this was just the outer circle; the beast he just killed was a rare exception.

He didn't spot any mages as he ran, only sensing the energies of mutated beasts. He just ran in a straight line, deeper into the forest. There were various paths towards the first circle since the forest was wide, so meeting no one in his path was normal.

After sprinting for a few minutes, the energy in the air became thicker. His speed was almost affected due to the thick energy but he knew what this meant. He was in the first circle.

The energy in the first circle was much stronger than the outer circle. If a false mortal dared enter without any protection, they would suffer severe injuries — or worse, death — just from being exposed to such energy. However for mortals like Cain, this was nothing as their bodies were many times stronger than false mortals.

He slowed down his speed and took in the sight of everything. Unlike the outer circle, the first circle was as bright as day but was exceedingly cold. He exhaled and could see his own breath escape his mouth. The trees and plants were covered in some layers of ice. The ground was firm, scattered with frozen leaves and bones belonging to both human and beast.

He wasn't surprised by this, he already got such information from Alfred. This was where the real danger began, the outer circle was mere child's play. Just as he was about to increase his speed, a predatory gaze locked on to him. He stopped and turned his head towards the direction of that cold stare and he spotted the culprit.

But, it was just an alligator type magical beast in the early stage. Its skin was scaly and coarse, all enveloped in a deep brown colour. Its length was about three meters and its height about one and a half meters. It had a straight white line from its head down to its tail.

It glared at him with its cat-like yellow eyes as it bore its sharp canines at him in hopeful intimidation. However, Cain was unmoved. He just fought a middle stage beast with his body strength at the late stage; considering he was now in the peak stage, this beast was nothing to him.

He had intentionally concealed his energy to attract more beasts to himself. If he left his energy exposed, these beasts would just avoid him; and he needed them for consumption. Although they were not as smart as humans, their instincts were top class and they could easily sense danger.

The unknowing beast however bellowed as it lunged at him, opening its jaw to rip his torso. Its speed was fast, but to Cain, it was just so-so. Once it was near, Cain just gave it a direct punch on its head.

The beast didn't even have time to put up a decent fight as its head was blown apart from Cain's punch. Without wasting much time, he just consumed the beast with his [Predator] ability. Although he was eager to test his blood element theory, he wanted to wait to perform it on a late stage magical beast at least. He could just use this early and middle stages as his energy supplies.

He didn't linger anymore and rushed forward, killing and consuming as he went. But his body was almost like a bottomless pit, its requirements were sky high so it made little to no difference. However, a small difference was better than nothing because right now his body was a little stronger than before.

Just as he finished consuming a bird-like magical beast in the middle stage, he heard shouts from a distance; followed by a loud hiss. It was obvious that a fight was happening; he didn't care about their battle but since it was in his direction he might as well have a look.

As he got closer, the shouts became more distinct and the hiss became louder. He stopped just behind a tree and watched. It was a young man and woman fighting a snake beast. From their spell signatures, he realised they were in the late stage.

His gaze then shifted to that of the beast. It was definitely in the late stage as well but from the looks of it, the magical beast wasn't normal. It was huge — about three and a half meters long — and resembled a python as it slithered across the ground with immense speed. Its scale was completely white and its eyes were dark green..

But that wasn't what caught his attention. Just towards the west side of the battle, what looked like a mix between an owl and a bear calmly spectated. It was massive and intimidating, he guessed it was almost seven meters long. Its fur was brown and its long claws were space black. He could faintly sense the enormous energy it was hiding.

(Here's a picture of it)

His expression was serious as he stared at the creature, 'Definitely in the peak stage, and it has been in this stage for quite a while,' this was the conclusion he came to. For him to only faintly sense its energy meant that the beast was one of the overlords in the first circle.

He was one step too late from completely concealing himself as the beast's head turned a 180 degrees and spotted him. Its deep brown owlish eyes pierced heavily at him. However he didn't retract his gaze, his crimson eyes slowly began to fade to black as his gaze burrowed into that of the Owlbear.

However, after a few seconds the owlbear just shifted its gaze back to the battle and concentrated on it. Cain was a little confused at first, it was way too calm and so he scrutinized the beast. Although it turned its head towards his direction a couple of times, its main focus was still the battle.

His vision shifted back to the battle and alternated between it and the beast. After looking at the situation and mulling over it, he now knew the objective of the beast.

He chuckled to himself as he surveyed the surroundings, "So that's how it is, It wants to reap from where it did not sow." He observed the ongoing battle again and came to a conclusion. "Quite efficient I must say."

The mages were definitely going to win as the battle was tilting heavily in their favour, but not without slight injuries and exhaustion. After the battle, the beast would just swoop in and finish them off easily; killing three birds with one stone. It was as good as a free meal for it.

It was a simple plan but not something a normal beast would make. Cain now knew that this beast had some intelligence. Even if the beast was just doing something so basic, it was still a smart move.

'I guess I am the party crasher,' he thought jokingly. Nevertheless he took a page out of its book. He wasn't going to interfere, not yet at least.

He got rid of his thoughts and shifted his gaze back to the battle. He, just like the Owlbear, became a spectator. The two mages were completely unaware that they had an audience as they were totally engrossed in their battle. Numerous spell circles were displayed as different wind and wood spells were casted.

The snake would hiss and throw out some deadly poisons but the two mages would just cast defensive spells to block its onslaught. The man acted as the main offense and the woman acted more as a support. They kept it at bay from distance, alternating between different variations of spells as they struck at the beast

Cain just watched on and shook his head. Although magical beasts were strong, they couldn't compare with the intelligence of humans. The beast only had some set patterns of attacks that it stuck to, making it very predictable; however the mages just avoided close contact and kited.

But when his gaze was inadvertently drawn to the owlbear, he was reminded of that old saying back on earth.

"Hmm what was it again?" he touched his chin and pondered before his eyebrows raised in recollection. "Ah yes, 'the Mantis stalks the Cicada, unaware of the Oriole behind."

He looked back at the battle and sighed, "Truly a pity."



The battle finally came to an end as the beast was slain. The two mages were panting hard, their clothes were torn and their bodies riddled with injuries. Still, they were happy with the outcome of the battle.

" okay...Sofya?" the man huffed as he sat down on the cold floor in front of the giant corpse with a heavy breath.

Sofya couldn't answer immediately due to her heavy panting but she still managed to let her words out, "Yeah...I am...we need to...take a small break....and leave...immediately...Viktor."

Viktor nodded in response, it was a tough battle after all. Late stage magical beasts weren't easy to fight. Besides, their spells were not really top class; just a little above average.

After a few seconds, Viktor stood up and was ready to put the corpse of the beast into his ring. After all, leaving it out here in the open was just inviting hungry beasts.

Sofya also recovered her breath but asked a little excitedly, "How much do you think we'll get for the three beasts we've hunted so far?"

Not waiting for Viktor to reply she continued with a soft sigh, "I hope it's enough to get that wood binding spell."

'Until she realises I've already gotten it for her as a birthday gift,' Viktor thought happily. It took a chunk out of his savings but he felt it was worth it, however he just smiled and answered sweetly, "Of course it will, there might even be a little extra."

They had known each other since childhood and he ended up developing romantic feelings for her. He was going to use the gift as an opportunity to confess his feelings to her.

He rubbed his ring slightly and looked at the carcass, "Alright, I'll just store th —"

His words were cut off as he felt a big plunge into his chest, followed by a tumultuous pain. Looking down, he saw a huge black claw protruding out of his body, filling his vision. He put his hands on the claw, it was both cold and warm to the touch. The warmth came from his own blood which stained his hands and the claw.

He looked up and saw Sofya's expression; her mouth was agape with eyes widened in shock and horror. But her gaze was not directed at him, she kept looking up as if staring into the sky. He tried speaking but the piercing pain caused him to choke on his words.

He could feel it. His life was beginning to leave him. In his final rounds of life, he turned his head weakly and then he saw it. The wide and sinister face of the owlbear looking back at him intensely.

The tears began to trickle down slowly. His life flashed before his eyes in a second as he regretted not confessing to Sofya earlier. With a soft rip sound, the large claw travelled upwards from his chest past his skull; killing him instantly.

Everything was too sudden as Sofya remained rooted on the spot. Her body kept trembling in fear as she looked at her best friend clawed to death. But she couldn't scream, the fear wouldn't let her. The towering beast in front of her caused her frail heart to palpitate.

She was under immense mental pressure. Even though the dead Vikor didn't see it, she did. One moment there was nothing behind Viktor, the next moment the frightening beast materialized out of nowhere.

Unawares, her rosy cheeks became moist with tears. Death was staring her right in the face in the form of a magic beast. However, just when she was about to accept her fate, she heard footsteps. It was neither slow nor fast.

The beast shifted its gaze from her towards the sound, prompting her to do so as well. A tall and muscular male figure was walking calmly towards them. There was no fear in his eyes and she couldn't feel his energy.

She knew what it meant. He was definitely at least in the peak stage. Hope began to seep in slowly. This mage was definitely her saviour.

The male figure reached them and stood just beside her as he faced the creature. She was about summon the courage to speak but then something unexpected happened.

It was quick and precise. She didn't even see his left hand move. The male figure punched a hole through her chest as he grabbed her heart and squeezed it.

Looking at him, the only thing she could think of was, 'Why?'