Awakening Part 4

Mei had put on the medical gown she was given before she went into the chamber and looked around. After letting go of Yi Tan, her nerves were no longer calm. The small chamber made her feel claustrophobic. "Little girl, relax. It is starting. Try to calm your mind."

A voice echoed in the room. But this did not help Mei at all. She just stood there with clenched fists and closed her eyes. In her mind, her miss appeared smiling away, the one person she wished to protect the most, and then Yi Tan's face appeared. His calm, cool eyes staring back at her as if to say everything will be fine. She did not know why but just seeing his face in her mind made her relax a little.

Mei had no idea how long she had been in the chamber. She did not sense the whitish-green light that had appeared around her, causing her to be like a dazzling sun in the middle of this dark and gloomy chamber. She also did not sense that her body was also changing. She only felt a surge of warmth flow within her body.

Outside the chamber, Yi Tan watched in amazement as Mei's black hair slowly turned silver. Her ears seemed to sink into the side of her head and sprout out on the top of her head instead. Off her lower back, one could see the medical gown slightly bulge out, and hanging down just past the hem and slightly lower than the middle of her calf was the tip of a silver fluffy tail. In her mouth, her two canine teeth slightly elongated and became pointy. If one were to think back to the fantasy novels of old, she would be the beautiful wolf girl depicted in those novels.

Inside the main observation room, the dean looked at the camera and nodded his head. "Been a while since a druid awakened. I hope she will be able to accomplish many great things, and her power is not bad either slightly over 3000."

Druids were controllers of nature and healers. They were able to attack, defend, and heal an all-rounder. One can normally spot a druid right away because their bodies will always have some form of animal mutation. In this case, Mei took on the characteristics of a wolf. Officially turning her into a wolf girl.

When the power rating appeared on the screen, Yi Tan and Ana calmed down, knowing she was successful. The entire process took just over an hour. As for Mei, she felt as if her body was lighter and that she was brimming with power. She slowly opened her eyes to find that she was still in the dark, gloomy room, but it seemed as if everything was finally over. "Congratulations, you have acquired the rare druid ability. You can consider it an ability that is a mix of both physical and elemental. Your power rating is 3478. We at the academy expect great things from you in the future."

After these words were said, a door on the opposite side of the chamber opened up, and a nurse walked in to bring Mei out for her final check up. Mei felt that her body was different and reached up to touch the top of her head. When she felt the furry ears on her head, she blushed slightly. She could also feel the tickle of her new tail against the back of her legs. Although these new additions to her body were foreign to her, she felt relaxed and happy knowing she was able to awaken successfully. Now she just had to wait. She had to wait for her miss and for him as well… Thinking of how it was Yi Tan she kept thinking about during the whole process made Mei blush even more. It was then that she remembered that she had actually turned and kissed him before entering the chamber! Mei's poor little heart suddenly became a mess, and the nurse who was doing the check up looked at her with great concern.

"Are you okay? Your face is red, and your heart rate just spiked!" The nurse asked.

"Huh!? Yeah... I'm fine.." Mei answered as she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Back outside, Yi Tan watched as the cleaners disinfected the room Mei was in when the old man at the side yelled out: "Next!"

Yi Tan looked down at Ana, who was still clinging to him. She was much shorter than him and looked very delicate. He reached up and petted her head. "I will watch from here. Go do your best."

Ana looked up at Yi Tan. Fear could be seen in her eyes. "What if..."

"Next!" The old man called out again. This time, somewhat impatient.

Yi Tan sighed and leaned down and kissed Ana on the forehead, causing her to fall into a daze. "Go, I will be waiting here. Show the world how powerful you can be."

Ana absentmindedly nodded her head before walking towards the old man. Yi Tan could only sigh. He could only think of this method to calm her since no words would be able to help in a situation like this. But when he watched as Ana walked almost teetering from side to side towards the old man, he wondered if this method wasn't a little too effective. He scratched his head and kept his eyes peeled to the screen.

Ana was still in a daze. She had no time to react to the fact that she was now in the awakening chamber. Her only thought in her mind was the fact that Yi Tan, the boy she had just met, ki-kissed her! Her mind was all over the place, trying to figure out why he would do such a thing. She did not even notice when her body suddenly shined a greyish-white color. Or the fact that over an hour and a half had already passed. "Oh, wind element. Not bad, and her power rating is still rising."

It was only when Ana heard Mei's voice that she finally came out of her daze with flushed cheeks. She looked at Mei with a confused expression wondering what she was doing here. "Mei?"

"Miss, your amazing you have a wind element at a power rating of 5000. You are almost on par with the Earth God Ben Freeman!" Mei yelled in excitement, her new ears were twitching, and her tail was wagging back and forth. She was truly happy for her miss!

"Huh? Wait. It's over!?" Ana looked at Mei in astonishment, and her eyes began to well up with tears. She actually awakened! She didn't turn into a monster and die!

"Miss, are you okay?" Mei asked in concern. She felt her miss was slightly off.

"Ahh...It's fine..." Ana blushed. She realized now that she only got through this thanks to Yi Tan. It was because of him that she was able to awaken without being scared. She hurriedly turned around to look at the screen behind her. "Where is Tan? He hasn't..."

"Miss, he hasn't entered yet. They have to clean the chambers after every use to ensure nothing contaminated the awakening process." Mei explained. Mei was also anxious. She reached out and held her Miss's hand and stared at the screen along with her.

Tim, who was standing behind the two, scratched his head, wondering why he was being so blatantly ignored. He made it through, too, you know!