
"Excuse me!? Did you just say something!? Overbearing!? How about I show you what overbearing is by kil… Ouch! Tan!" Ana looked up at Yi Tan with a wronged expression.

"Why would you go and kill her when I am trying to keep her alive?" Yi Tan had given a chop to Ana's head, causing her to pout and rub the newly created bump.

"But..." Ana looked at Fina and glared at her. But soon relaxed when she felt Tan's hand on top of her head.

"She didn't mean anything by it, I am sure. Plus, what's wrong with being called a kitten? Kittens are cute." Yi Tan knew Ana was feisty so he did not put too much thought into her actions just now.

Fina, who was startled by the fact that Ana and even Yi Tan could hear her whisper, lowered her head and apologized: "Sorry. If I offended you." She now knew that she must watch what she says, or she might be digging her own grave if she accidentally makes Ana mad again.

"I'm back!" Tim came walking over with a big grin on his face. His shirt had a few drops of blood on it. Yi Tan chuckled, knowing that Tim must have given Andre a second talking too. "What I miss besides the fact that you are now surrounded by girls."

"Nothing much, just a…." Yi Tan was interrupted when a loud voice echoed throughout the park. "Good! Everyone seems to be getting along nicely. This is what I like to see."

One of the side walls opened up, and a platform slid out from within. On this platform was the dean of the academy. "All of you, for better or worse, have become awakened. You now each have abilities, whether it is powerful or not, that can help mankind in some shape or form. With these new abilities, we will be able to search for resources and reclaim some of the areas that are overrun by monsters.

"With that said, I am sure you are all tired and hungry. On the far wall, a door will open up, and you will all need to line up in order to get your dorm assignments. But before that, I will allow a request each from the stars of the show today. Adriana Worthswood and Yi Tan, please step forward." The dean turned his head and looked in Yi Tan's and Ana's direction.

Yi Tan stood up and walked forward, with Ana following along beside him. Seeing this, the Dean smiled. He did not miss that two of the most powerful girls to awaken this year were both attached to Yi Tan. To the dean, this was a good thing. When Yi Tan and Ana were close enough, the dean asked: "What request do you have?"

"Mine is quite simple. I have four friends I would like to keep under my protection. They are all young and should not be left to the wills of the academy. So I would like them to serve as maids for Ana here and my other friend Mei. I do not know if you will allow this?" Yi Tan asked. The entire time his eyes were locked with the dean's. He did not waver once when looking at this stern old man's face.

The dean was actually shocked at Yi Tan's selflessness. Instead of asking for something for himself, he asked for protection for four young girls with trash abilities and power ratings. This made the Dean like Yi Tan even more. "Good! I grant that request. They will be under your care. If anything happens to them, it will be seen as an attack on you, and you can do as you see fit to get revenge."

These words caused everyone to gasp. A lot of the other low power rating teens looked over at the four girls that were still sitting where Yi Tan was before and felt jealousy in their hearts. But the way they looked at Yi Tan was one of respect. The Dean nodded his head in approval before turning to Ana and asking: "And you, Miss Worthswood?"

"My request is for myself, Shindo Mei, Yi Tan, and Tim Beekal to live together in the same dorm. As well as a smaller room for the four girls Tan wishes to keep safe." Ana decided she did not want to be separated from Yi Tan at all. For some reason, she felt if he was by himself, some other girls would try to hit on him, and just that thought alone irked her for some reason. She had to make sure to keep a close eye on him at all times.

The Dean's lips curled up into a grin. He had planned to have them all live together anyway, so this worked out well for him. "That's fine There is a six room dorm that your group can live in. but you will need to allow one more person to live you you let's see here… "

The Dean pretended to look around even though he had already picked someone. "Amy Gilson! You will also join Ana and her friends in the same dorm. Step forward and introduce yourself."

Everyone turned their heads and looked around. Only when they saw a young girl with green hair walk forward did they know who Amy was. Amy walked up to Yi Tan and Ana and bowed her head slightly as she said: "Amy Gilson... "

Yi Tan looked at this girl who looked very shy. Her shoulder length green hair covered her eyes slightly making it hard to see what she looked like. But from the air about her she seemed to be from a poor family. "It's good to meet you."

"Welcome aboard!" Ana said with a smile. She did not care who joined them as long as her request was granted. Everything else could be dealt with later.

"Since the requests have been asked and fulfilled please line up and get your place of residency. " With these final words the platform the dean was on retracted back into the building and the wall closed back up.

"Let's go back over to everyone else." Yi Tan Suggested since there was no point standing around any more.

"Okay!" Ana said as she hugged Yi Tan's arm. She then looked at Amy and said: "You are coming with us too since you will be living with us."

Amy still had her head lowered as she nodded and followed the two. Yi Tan could only guess that maybe she was not good with new people.