Are You Jealous?

Yi Tan ignored Sei and nuzzled his chin on top of Mei's head. He didn't notice Mei's reddening cheeks. She had long been awake but did not want to leave Yi Tan's side. She never thought in a million years that Yi Tan would kiss her. Although it was embracing for her, she kinda wished it was more than just a light peck. She decided she would fake sleep a little longer just in case he wanted to do it again.

"Tan..." Ana's voice came from his door as she walked right into his room without knocking. She was wearing a pair of pink rabbit pajamas, rubbing her eyes as if half asleep. Even her blonde hair seemed to be still slightly damp from her shower earlier.

Yi Tan looked up at her and raised his hand to his face, pressing his finger on his lips to tell Ana to be quiet. Ana nodded and climbed up onto the bed and snuggled up to Yi Tan as if it was a natural thing to do. Now, this would be an amazing thing to have a beauty on both arms sleeping soundly if not for the annoying voice in his head. "Wooo! Wooo! It looks like Tan will grow up to be an adult soon at this rate! Wooo! Wooo!"

Yi Tan laid there for almost two hours when Ana finally woke up from her nap. She sat up and rubbed her eyes before looking around, a bit confused. But when she saw Yi Tan and Mei next to her, she seemed to relax. "Tan, Mei, and I will sleep in here from now on, okay?"

Yi Tan looked at Ana, acting as if she was asking for permission, and let out a sigh. "Do as you please."

"Hehe, thank you!" Ana then poked Mei: "You don't need to keep pretending."

Mei's cheeks turned bright red as she opened her and bashfully looked at Yi Tan. She wanted to pinch her Miss so badly right now for giving her away! Yi Tan looked at the two girls and wondered just why they became so attached to him. Since he couldn't figure out the answer, he could only ask. "Why are you girls so attached to me? Ahh! That came out wrong. I am not saying I dislike it. I am just wondering."

"Mmm. Because I feel comfortable and safe with you, it's hard to explain…. Like earlier, when I was sleeping in my room, I felt insecure and couldn't sleep at all, so I came in here, and as soon as I sensed you beside me, I felt relaxed. Maybe it is because if not for you being with me and comforting me during the awakening, I might not have been able to awaken. I am not sure I only know that I want to be by your side. Can't I?" Ana looked at Yi Tan with big doe eyes as if pleading with him.

"It's fine with me." Yi Tan answered with a smile. He then rubbed the top of Mei's head and said: "You can too if you want."

"Mmm.." Mei smiled softly, her tail wagging back and forth.

"Let's head downstairs so we can get something to eat. We still need to plan out our training and get an idea of everyone's abilities since we will be in the same group now." Yi Tan suggested.

"Okay!" Ana agreed as she leaned over and kissed Yi Tan's cheek before quickly jumping out of bed. She turned back and stuck her tongue out at Yi Tan before quickly making her escape.

Yi Tan sat there in a bit of a daze. Only to hear Mei say softly: "Meto!" and then something soft on his lips. Mei then quickly ran out of the room and to her own room to change.

"These girls!" Yi Tan chuckled. He slowly climbed out of bed and looked for a shirt to wear as he asked sei in his mind: "Sei, does the soul lantern cause girls to fall in love with me?"

"Hah! You wish! No, it doesn't. Those girls have fallen for your natural charm. You kept them safe and comforted them at a time when they needed someone the most. How could their little hearts not be moved by your actions? I just never thought they would be so straight forward. By the way, that little wolf girl was awake the entire time even when you acted like a pervert and stole a kiss." Sei said teasingly.

Yi Tan didn't believe it. If she was awake, would she not have said something to him but then again, why else would she kiss him on the lips instead of the cheek like Ana did? Yi Tan scratched his head, unsure of what to think of it all. He walked out of his room to see Tim standing there waiting for him with a teasing smile on his face. "My Brother! Can you explain to me why two girls smiling and blushing away came running out of your room just now? Did you… You know… Climb the stairs of adulthood? Hmmmm?"

Yi Tan smiled at him and patted Tim's shoulder. "My Brother… Are you jealous? If I recall, there was a girl who turned into a pig woman during her awakening. She seemed pretty down. If you wanted to, you probably could..."

"Damn you, Tan! Are you saying all I can get are pigs!?" Tim yelled out, causing Yi Tan to laugh.

"Haha! How can my brother be ugly? I am sure you will find a girl who will like you for you. One day… Maybe..." Yi Tan grinned and ran off, leaving Tim standing there stunned. "Tan, you bastard! And I call you brother!"

Amy opened her door and walked out of the room. She didn't seem to be bothered by the uproar everyone else was causing. She walked past all the rooms, but as she passed the room where the four girls were staying, Fina, who happened to be rushing out of the room, crashed into her. Both Amy and Fina fell to the floor with Fina on top of Amy. Fina's gaze fell on the beautiful face in front of her and froze. The girl's face was absolutely beautiful. "Pretty..." Fina muttered. She looked into the purple eyes of the girl who was staring back at her and, as if struck by lightning, felt her heart rate speed up.

"Can you get off me..."