Training Begins

Yi Tan had not expected that Ana and Mei would do as they said and wanted to sleep in the same bed as him. If it was not for the fact that he was able to slip into a dream like state instantly and converse with Sei, he would not have gotten much sleep. He was, after all, a healthy young man, and both girls were very beautiful. While he was asleep, Yi Tan did not create new spells instead, he spent some time trying to make a small little world inside of his body for Sei to live in.

"So many nodes and a lot that they can do, but working out the correct code to make what I want is a lot of trial and error." Yi Tan's main purpose was not only to give Sei a home but also to see just how powerful his soul capture system truly was. Only by trying different things could he really begin to understand what his system was capable of. Although he was able to make something as simple as a dress for Sei before. That was only because it used so few nodes.

But what he was doing now was much more complicated and seemed to need hundreds of nodes, and finding the right one out of millions of nodes was not easy. "Finally…. Got a base down now.."

Sei looked at the grassy field that suddenly formed in the dark space inside Yi Tan's mind feeling quite shocked. "Tan, it's beautiful! Can you add a bunch of colorful flowers?"

"Mmm… One second… If I do this and this..." Yi Tan adjusted some of the parameters on one of the nodes, and like magic, mixed with the grass were different colored flowers making for a colorful scene that appeared before them.

"Amazing!" Sei smiled brightly as she flew over to the field and landed in the dense, soft grass. She felt like she was walking on a sea of clouds with how soft the grass was.

"This is the best I can do for now. I will slowly add to it for you as I work on understanding the system more." Yi Tan said. He was happy that Sei liked it since they were connected, he did not want Sei to feel like she was locked in a prison.

"Thank you so much, Tan!" Sei flew over and kissed Yi tan's cheek, causing Yi Tan to blush.

"Mm… I will add more so you can have a place to live while we are together. Anyway, I should wake up now. Think about the things you want for your new home." Yi Tan said as he disappeared from his mind. Sei looked at the spot that Yi Tan was in, and a small blush formed on her transparent cheeks. She smiled and turned to look at her new grassy field with flowers before taking off running through it, giggling away as she did.

When Yi Tan woke up, both girls were still sound asleep lying on his chest. He felt bad about waking them, but they needed to get up and get ready for training. "Ana, Mei, time to wake up."

"Urrrg, five more minutes..." Ana mumbled before adjusting her position.

Mei, on the other hand, opened her sleepy eyes and looked at Yi Tan with a faint blush on her cheeks. "Good morning..."

"Good morning..." Yi Tan smiled and scratched Mei's ears. He could see her tail wagging as he did this. "We need to get up and start training."

"Mmm… I will take care of Miss. Tan, you can get up. Miss won't wake up unless you use a bit of force." Mei said as she sat up and stretched. She then leaned over and kissed Yi Tan's cheek before getting out of bed. She then went over to the other side and lifted Ana in t other arms. "I will take her to her room to get her ready."

An hour later, Yi Tan and the rest went outside to start their training only to see Instructor Johan standing there. "Good, you kids got up early." He looked at the group of five with a look of approval.

He held his hands behind his back as he continued: "First, I want to let you know every morning I expect you to be out here at the same time. I will be here every morning to help you train through the first half of your day. Have you all decided on a team leader yet?"

"We decided on Tan!" Ana said proudly.

"Oh? Why did you select him?" Johan was not surprised by this since he had seen how Yi Tan was the center of the group.

"Out of everyone, he is the most level headed. Tim is too hot headed. My self and Mei are not very good at leading a group. Amy said she did not want to lead. So this left things to Yi Tan, who is actually the best choice to be our leader." Ana replied.

"I see. That is good. I do not want to see any infighting between you five. You are to be working as a team from now on and will be doing missions together where your lives will be put on the line. The outside world is not as it is here. Although the academy can be considered a testing ground to refine your abilities. Monsters are unlike humans, where it is easy to cause them to make mistakes. A monster will not get riled up if you say a few words to them. They will attack and try to kill you without hesitation. So teamwork is key!

"For your first bit of training, you will start with stretches. After stretches, we will do some running. This will be followed by basic hand to hand combat. But first, I will show you the proper way to stretch. Tim, come over here. Since there are only five of you, I will be your stretching partner." Instructor Johan explained.

When Tim heard his name called and wanted to cry. He wondered why he was always being kept away from the girls!