New Abilities

"Oh? You fell asleep fast. I figured after that passionate kiss with that girl Mei you would have done stair climbing tonight." Sei teased as she looked at Yi Tan, who appeared in the grassy field.

"You forget how old I am." Yi Tan said, shaking his head. He was used to Sei teasing now.

"You are only one year from adulthood, are you not? From what I have gathered from your world, the age at which you leave the nest and begin forming your own families is fifteen, is it not?" Sei asked. She wondered if her understanding of the world was not correct.

"It is… Let's just say until I am strong enough, I can not go that far. As for now, I can hug and kiss but beyond that…. " Yi Tan was not ready to create a family that he was unable to protect. He would not reject the girls' feelings towards him or reject the feelings that were growing within him, but he could not fully protect them at this time. He would need to work harder to become someone who they could rely on to protect them from anything that may come their way.

"I see. I guess that does make sense. Well, if you need a release, I do not mind..." Sei lifted her dress, but when she saw that Yi Tan didn't react in the slightest, she felt disappointed.

"Should I make that program to project your body for all to see? Did you forget I can see through your dress as it is?" Yi Tan asked as he sat down in the grass.

"Huh? Wait, you didn't fix it!?" Sei looked at Yi Tan in shock. She thought he had fixed the program for her dress, so he couldn't see through it anymore! She never realized Yi Tan was a little pervert!

"Ahem… Anyway, we need to get to work on new abilities." Yi Tan quickly changed the subject. He opened his menu and started a new program. "So far, I have a movement ability and a close range attack. I was thinking of a defense ability and a long ranged attack, but I am not sure what would suit me… After seeing real ability users, it seems like I might need something that can easily counteract them."

Sei pursed her lips at Yi Tan, who changed the subject of him still being able to see through her dress. "Humph! Fine. If you want to look, just look..." She mumbled to herself before giving what Yi Tan was talking about some thought. "What if we make a barrier for ranged attacks? We can base it on lightning like the other two abilities. It will just be a plasma barrier made of lightning. It should be enough to block any attack, especially with your current power."

"Alright, let's do that for defense but for an offensive spell… What about something like chain lightning. Basically an extension of the current lightning smash. By punching out, I can take the electricity wrapped around my fist and send it out, hitting the target allowing it to arc out in all directions. This way, I can actually use it for a multi-target attack." Yi Tan had been thinking it would be a good mix to have this combined attack into a single attack.

"If you did that, you could have two modes. One that is single target, your lightning smash, then another that is multi target, so even if you are close ranged, the attack would look the same as the close ranged attack, but on impact, you could switch its mode from single to multi in an instant with a single thought. So no matter how close your target is, it will be difficult to know which it will be keeping other enemies at bay once they figure it out. That would make fighting multiple close ranged targets easier.

"Oh! And if you were using it as a long ranged attack, if you miss, we can do a discharge off the impact that will cause splash damage to the area around it. This could work…" Sei suddenly plopped herself down in Yi Tan's lap, taking control over the system, and began to work.

Yi Tan sighed helplessly. It seemed once she was completely into something, she would not care for anything else. Yi Tan looked at Sei's face that displayed her immersed concentration, and smiled. He wondered what she was like when she was alive. If she acted the same way or if she was totally different.

"Tan!" Sei yelled as she tilted her head back and looked at Yi Tan. "Are you listening?"

"Ah, sorry… Was lost in thought. What did you say?" Yi Tan asked, blushing slightly.

"I asked if you were okay with this current setup. The barrier is able to expand, allowing at least two other people inside it if they were close to you. I was thinking of how you got the two girls to protect." Sei explained.

"Hmm… Is that is as big as it can get without losing any protection?" Yi Tan asked. He felt the area was quite small. In order to keep the two girls safe within it, they would need to basically be hugging him.

"With your current soul power, yes. The more souls you consume, the more powerful your abilities will become. It will take time, but you will get to the point where you can use this very skill to protect an entire city if needed." Sei replied as she pointed at his stats. "We need to get some souls soon, or this system will never be able to display its full potential."

"Alright, we will gather souls when we get a chance..." Yi Tan never expected that the next day he would get the chance to actually go outside the city walls…

Instructor Johan stood in front of Yi Tan and the rest with a smile on his face as he said: "Yi Tan with your current abilities it would be best to go out and do a few missions. I have already set you up with a fairly easy one. The rest of you will continue the training we started yesterday."