The Fierce Secretary

"Do you think Martis had something to do with Nerium's offer about the resort in Red City?" Noir asked Solis hesitantly. "Even if Boss Gaia says that this is an experiment and that the success of this project would let us collaborate in the much bigger project in Azure City…Nerium is big enough to be able to do both by itself, even if the one in Azure City is massive. At most, they'd have to hire some external agencies…there's no need to collaborate with us."

Solis sighed. "It is possible," he said. "Boss Gaia holds Martis in very high regard…he saved her life once. She may have had a hand in Nerium showing an interest in working with us."

Noir peered at Solis's face. "What do you want to do?" he asked seriously. "Even if there are obvious benefits for us in this collaboration, your peace of mind is the most important. If it is indeed Martis who egged on Boss Gaia to give us this project, we'll have to see him every now and then, won't we?"

"Does it make you uncomfortable?" Solis asked.

Noir shook his head. "I'm neutral to most people, including your family members. I only care about what you think and how this will affect you," he said.

Warmth spread through Solis at the response, given so matter-of-factly. He couldn't resist leaning in and pressing a kiss to Noir's brow.

"Thank you," he murmured.

Noir's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected kiss. "What are you thanking me for?" he asked, looking adorably confused.

Solis chuckled and caressed his cheek with gentle fingers. "For caring about me," he said softly. "No one has put me or my wishes first for a very long time…"

Noir's heart felt sour. He hugged Solis and rubbed his back comfortingly. "I can promise you that you will always be my first priority as long as I'm in this world," he swore in a quiet, serious voice.

"And you will be mine," Solis responded, equally serious.

Pleased, Noir placed a chaste kiss on Solis's cheek. "Thank you, too," he said.

There was a knock on the door and the two of them sprang apart, their faces flushed.

Solis's face returned to its normal impassive state within seconds and he called out, "Come in!" in a cold voice.

Noir picked up a book and pretended to read it, to hide his red face.

It was Solis's secretary – an elderly lady who was prone to fussing over Solis like a mother hen. Noir had won her approval immediately, and now she considered it her personal responsibility to look after the young couple.

"Nerium has sent a proposal and a request for meeting tomorrow at their flagship hotel for lunch," she informed Solis.

"Accept it," Solis told her. "Send me the proposal, and arrange for Noir and I to visit their hotel tomorrow at the appointed time. Are there any clashing appointments?"

The secretary quickly browsed through the tablet in her hand and shook her head.

"That's all, then," Solis said, dismissing her.

The secretary hesitated. "What about lunch for both of you today?" she asked. "Would you like me to order a takeaway?"

Solis and Noir shook their heads.

"I made him some of his favourites," Noir said, pointing at a large, insulated lunch bag resting in a corner.

The secretary grinned and gave Noir a thumbs up. "I'll ensure that no one disturbs you for lunch, then," she said happily and went off.

"Your employees are rather nice," Noir remarked with a smile, looking at her retreating back.

Solis laughed. "They're nice to you," he said. "You should have seen how fierce my secretary was when she was driving away some unwanted people in the past…especially those seeking a romantic relationship with me!"

Noir's eyes widened in shock. He couldn't imagine the cheerful, motherly woman being fierce at all!

Solis saw his doubtful expression and silently handed him a pair of headphones before he pulled up an old video on his laptop and played it.

It was a CCTV footage just outside Solis's cabin. It was dark – the area seemed empty. Solis seemed to be working late by himself. Suddenly, a scantily dressed woman appeared in the office. She walked confidently to Solis's door. Just as she was trying to sneak into Solis's cabin, the door opened and the secretary stepped out.

"I'm here to see your boss," the woman said haughtily.

The secretary raised an eyebrow. "Do you have an appointment?" she asked.

"I do," the woman replied assertively.

The secretary kept blocking the door and pulled out her tablet. Then she eyed the woman up and down. "You don't seem to be Mr. Ableton of Purple City, aged 82," she said calmly. "Boss Solis has no other appointments tonight."

The woman sneered. "I have a personal appointment with him. Let me see him and you'll know – otherwise, prepare to lose your job!" she threatened.

The secretary raised an eyebrow. "And what's your name, young lady?" she asked.

"I don't need to give you my name," the woman retorted.

"Oh, do you have a work-name, then?" the secretary asked. "Or should I simply refer to you as a belle de noir?"

The woman's face turned purple with intense rage. She raised her hand to slap the secretary, but was blocked easily with a paper file.

"Oh? Perhaps I had it wrong," the secretary said. "You must be one of those idiots who think they can seduce Boss Solis with your cheap tactics."

The woman attacked her again. She wasn't a trained fighter – she was merely acting out of anger.

Miraculously, a broom appeared in the secretary's hand from somewhere. She fended off the woman's attacks easily, and even landed several blows on the woman's ample derriere.

"Go home and learn some manners, you little spring chicken," the secretary said to the woman, who was on the floor now, clutching her bottom and looking utterly terrified. "Do something productive and then you'll be able to find a decent man for yourself. Cheap tricks like this are useless."