Another Loving Couple

With their deal happily settled, Noir and Solis prepared to head out to work. Anthem and Melody decided to retain their human forms and rest in the villa for a while. In any case, if Noir and Solis were to face any danger, the two sword spirits would turn into their sword forms and appear in their hands immediately, regardless of where in the world they were. That was the bond between a sword spirit and their acknowledged owner.

Noir explained all this to Solis as they drove to work in the new sports car Solis had gifted to Noir (after seeing Noir's eyes shining with excitement when the advertisement for this particular model was running on TV) – and Noir was very satisfied with it. In fact, he was so enamoured with this gleaming black and silver sports car that he wouldn't even let anyone else touch it! Let alone driving it – even cleaning and maintenance and all other things for the car – Noir did everything himself. And other than Solis, no one else was allowed to sit in it, either.

Solis was very glad that they had an enclosed private parking in the Rosea office building – because if some unwitting person dared to lay a finger on Noir's precious car, he wasn't sure what Noir would do. But the result would probably be rather miserable, and Solis most certainly wanted to avoid such a thing. Thus, he'd put down strict instructions that no one was to enter the CEO's private parking area in the deepest level of the basement, and there was round the clock security to guard the car Noir protected as fiercely as his own child!

Solis was mostly amused by Noir's behaviour (and occasionally exasperated, but he dared not say it). Perhaps it was the filter of love in his eyes, but when he saw Noir getting all fluffed up like a cat about his car – he thought Noir was extremely adorable, and more often than not, he couldn't help pulling Noir into his arms and giving him a kiss.

Noir would then show an adorably confused expression for a moment, as if wondering what's gotten into Solis, but then he would respond enthusiastically, until Solis's long suffering secretary would ring the bell especially installed in their cabin. It had actually been the secretary's idea to install the bell after she had walked in on their amorous activities more often than she'd have liked to. But since she adored Noir and thought that Boss Solis and Noir made a very nice couple, she was very supportive and protective of them as an elder. And she was extremely good at barricading Solis's cabin – well, it had become the joint cabin of Solis and Noir now – and preventing other people from disturbing the couple ever so often.

Solis sighed when the bell rang for the third time this day and Noir quickly pushed him away with his cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink.

"We need to get married soon," Solis murmured.

Noir flushed even deeper.

"Are you talking of getting married? Already?" Boss Gaia's cool voice sounded from the door. She stepped in, as elegant as ever, and followed by CEO Alex.

"Hello, Boss Solis and young Noir," CEO Alex said, waving cheerfully at them. "When are you getting married? I can offer you an exclusive package at any Nerium hotel or resort of your choice – I love holding weddings in our properties. You know, there's one on Sylph Island – it's a private island about fifty miles off the coast – that would be perfect, whether you choose to invite twenty people or twenty thousand! It can only be approached by our own aircrafts, and there's a no flying zone as well as every possible privacy protection there – no unauthorised person would ever be able to get in! It's the best place for a high profile wedding!"

The man was so excited that he looked ready to jump in delight as he gestured vigorously and explained a million other features of the resort – which was the only thing on Sylph Island. It used to be an uninhabited island before Nerium bought it from the government and constructed a resort on it.

"It's also where I would want Gaia and I to get married whenever she agrees to do me the honour of becoming my wife," CEO Alex concluded with a loving look at his fiancée.

Boss Gaia smiled at him in response and patted his arm. "All right, darling, if that's what you want, then that's where we will get married as soon as I have wrapped up some affairs. With help from Boss Solis and young Noir, I think we should be good to go in a few months," she told him.

CEO Alex's eyes widened in shock and he grabbed Boss Gaia's hands excitedly. "Really? Gaia, do you really mean that?" he cried – and this time, he actually jumped up and down.

Boss Gaia laughed. "Of course, darling. It's not like I don't want to marry you and bind you to me for life as soon as possible!" she said in a teasing tone. "I just need to settle a few things first."

CEO Alex turned to Solis and Noir and bowed deeply. "Boss Solis, young Noir, please – could you prioritise whatever Gaia needs your help with and finish up as soon as possible? I'll give you anything you want in return – absolutely anything! I'll even sponsor your wedding at Sylph Island in its entirety!" he said in a rush.

Solis and Noir chuckled.

"It would surely weigh on our conscience if we made you do that, CEO Alex," Solis said jovially. "But do rest assured, we will certainly help Boss Gaia with everything she requires and try to finish up at the earliest."

"After all, we wouldn't want to hinder your wedding," Noir added. "Especially not when you make such a loving couple. As Solis said, we'll definitely do everything in our power to help with Boss Gaia's work!"