An Old Memory

Jovis quickly fetched the note from under the pillow and held it out for Solis to take. However, Solis's eyes were too full of tears for him to be able to read and he didn't want to take his hands off Noir.

The two half brothers looked at each other for some time.

"Should I read it for you?" Jovis asked quietly.

"Please," Solis said in a hoarse voice.

Jovis opened the note and his eyes widened in surprise. "It's formula of a potion!" he cried. "Big Brother, I can make this!" He looked at his watch. "I'll need two hours to get the ingredients and concoct the potion…and given Noir's condition currently – we have a bit less than twelve hours to get him the potion. There's plenty of time!" he said happily. "Big Brother, do you want to call your Teacher Artemis as well?" he asked. "Then we can be doubly sure. There's plenty of time for her to get here, too!"

Solis finally regained some colour. "Twelve hours?" he asked.