The Barrier

"Why don't you check if there's any of the residual energy within him that matches what you felt at the construction site?" Anthem suggested to Jovis.

Jovis nodded. "Big Brother, your hand please. I can't check you without skin contact like Anthem or Melody or Aria," he said, holding out his hand.

Solis frowned slightly, but with an encouraging smile from Noir, he held out his hand for Jovis to take.

Jovis shook his head ruefully at his big brother's ever increasing mysophobia to the exclusion of all people except Noir. He silently put two fingers on Solis's wrist and pushed a tendril of energy into him.

There was a dark flash and Solis and Jovis were thrown out of their chairs by a violent force that was very similar to electricity.

Solis was thrown to the floor rather forcefully, but thanks to Noir, he didn't fall. Instead, Noir caught him, and helped him stand up and stabilise himself.