Tygr's Trick

CEO Alex, Boss Gaia and Martis – all three of them froze the moment they entered the dining room. The looks of utter astonishment on their faces was quite comical, actually.

Then the three of them seemed to gather themselves and one by one, they looked at Tygr, who was sitting at the table in a leisurely manner (looking distinctly feline – well, more like a lazy cat than a lazy tiger at the moment, Noir thought, but of course, he wouldn't dare to voice that thought out loud in front of his highly revered and respectable Master Tygr!).

After taking a good, careful look at Tygr, one by one, their three pairs of shocked eyes turned to Solis, who was standing nearby with an amused look on his face, and with his arm looped around Noir's waist in a very protective and possessive manner.

To others, of course, it merely looked like Solis was supporting his dear fiancé who had been injured while trying to save his life.