
"Requiem, come and meet Solis, the son of your Master, and Solis's fiancé and soon to be husband, Noir – who is also the child raised by your Master – and this is Artemis, the daughter of your Master," Anthem introduced, dragging Requiem by the arm to where Solis, Noir and Teacher Artemis were standing and chatting.

"Hello," Requiem said with a friendly smile.

"Good to meet you," Noir said, smiling back at the newest weapon spirit who had joined their family. "And we owe you a round of thanks for saving us there."

Requiem grinned. "Not at all," he said. "I just turned up when my Master summoned me – it wasn't that I actually got to do anything."

"We are very thankful for your presence, then," Solis said, and pulled Noir back to himself in a rather unreasonable and possessive manner.