
Teacher Artemis stared at Requiem, her silver grey eyes as soft as clouds. While the intensity of her gaze was much milder than what Solis showed when he was looking at Noir – the seeds of love could definitely be seen.

Noir thought that Teacher Artemis and Requiem made a rather nice pair. In fact, he had taken quite a liking to Requiem. He was so pure and innocent and rather adorable, and Noir thought he was a very good fit for Teacher Artemis – Big Sister in Law Artemis. After all, Noir was quite fond of Big Sister in Law Artemis, and his fondness had definitely multiplied automatically as soon as he found out that she was not only Solis's teacher, but also Solis's half sister and the daughter of Noir's Master Tygr! So many connections – how could Noir help himself from liking her even more? She shared blood with the two people who topped all of Noir's priority lists!