The Vanity of Boss Solis

Solis wasn't an expert cook, so he couldn't figure out the difference between the old batter and the new batter – he simply thought that Noir had picked up the half done batter which Solis had helped with and finished mixing it.

"I've put the juice on the table for us," Solis said proudly. "I poured out two glasses and put a coaster on them, and I've put the jug in an ice bucket."

Solis looked exactly like a child that had won its first prize and had come to his parent for a pat on the back.

Noir could practically see the words 'Praise me! Praise me!' hovering in the air above Solis's head!

Noir smiled brightly at his fiancé and said, "Thank you, my love. That's great."

Solis beamed at him, looking as proud as a child with a trophy.

"How was the batter? Did it help when I mixed it?" Solis asked eagerly.

Under the pressure of those beautiful silver eyes sparkling with great expectations of praise, Noir couldn't bear to tell him the truth.