
"Yes, yes, you can plan the grandest wedding that the world has ever seen," Melody said indulgently. "But before that, here, have some fruit and build up your strength," she added and pushed a plate of fresh fruits, neatly cut up into bite sized pieces, towards Solis and Noir.

"Thank you, Aunt Melody," Solis said sweetly, making Melody beam at the young man in joy.

Noir, too, beamed at Solis.

Solis chuckled. "Why are you looking at me as if I just won a really prestigious award, my little darling?" he asked. "Although, come to think of it, winning your heart is actually not that different from winning the best award in the universe."

Noir blushed.

"Solis is right," Anthem said immediately. "Our little boy Noir has grown up into such a magnificent young fellow – and indeed, he is the best treasure to be won in all the lands!"

Noir turned as red as a tomato.