Seems Like A Trap

This time, Solis and Noir both looked at each other and blushed. And then they fled to their own room.

"It won't be dispelled in a day," Requiem murmured.

Tygr glared at him. "How long will it take?" he demanded.

"About a month, I think, from the rate of dissipation…" Requiem said in a small voice, understanding that Tygr was annoyed with him, but not understanding why.

Artemis patted her boyfriend's arm comfortingly. "Thank you, sweetie," she said, smiling up at him. "You've been a great help."

Requiem blinked. "Really?" he asked, a shy hope in his golden eyes.

"Of course," Artemis said immediately. "We would never have been able to figure out that there was another way to dissipate the curse without you," she told him. She glared at Tygr. "Isn't that right, Father?" she asked archly.