Smug Solis

"So – what should we do about this new situation?" Aria asked finally.

"Solis is not going anywhere, especially not by himself" Anthem said firmly. "Not even Fenice can forcefully control everyone – and right now, it is most important to keep Noir and Solis within the safety of their own home until we could all relocate to the island resort tomorrow. We absolutely can't split up before that."

Solis nodded. "Absolutely," he said. "This is exactly what Noir and I decided."

Jovis nodded as well. "Indeed," he murmured. "On no account must we allow ourselves to split up – we have to stand together or we will lose all the advantages – however little they might be – that we have somehow managed to gather so far."

Everyone agreed unanimously.

Tygr glanced at Solis. "Can we leave earlier? I don't like that sound of this second person – we really should leave as soon as possible," he said.