Flying High

Tygr was an inch away from grounding Artemis before he stopped himself and realised that she was a full grown adult now and he couldn't do that – and he also knew that what had worked on Noir back when he was a young child, those things would never work on Artemis – in fact, most of those would not even work on Solis, let alone Artemis, who seemed to be determined to give her long lost father a heart attack, Tygr thought crossly. Only Noir was a good child out of the whole bunch – well, Requiem as well, actually.

In the end, Tygr sent everyone back to their rooms to prepare for their upcoming trip.

There was no other unpleasantness from Fenice's side for the rest of the day – of course, our protagonists didn't know that Noir's outburst had caused quite a bit of damage to Fenice and that she would remain unconscious for quite some time.