Hot Chocolate

Noir waited on the couch for a bit, hoping that Solis would run after him to cajole him and then tell him the answer to the question as well. (Noir was practically dying of curiosity – what could possibly be considered Solis's greatest acquisition of all time? Noir was curious, confused – and a tad envious, although he wouldn't admit out loud, ever!)

After waiting for several minutes, though, Noir found that Solis hadn't come into the villa at all. Noir bit his lip nervously. Was Solis annoyed by Noir's childish tantrum? Did he get so annoyed that he left…? Had Noir been abandoned again…?

Dark thoughts invaded Noir's mind. He stood up in a daze and walked to the bathroom. Then he turned on the showed and sat down in the shower cabinet, letting the water wash over him. He didn't even bother to undress.