Surprise and Speculations

Aria and Jovis were stunned, to say the least. But then, the chicken sandwich smelled heavenly, and they couldn't help but drool…

"Were you making these sandwiches for your scheduled date, Nephew in Law Noir?" Jovis asked carefully, casting a wary glance at Solis.

Noir laughed merrily and said, "We made a little too much, actually. Would you like some?"

Jovis looked conflicted.

"Noir and I made them together," Solis said to Jovis. "There's no need to be scared of this being any sort of dark cuisine!"

Jovis shot a glance at Aria and then he quickly moved closer to her. He slid his arm around the woman he loved so much – and who was now his girlfriend after so many efforts on his part!

"What do you think?" Jovis asked Aria.

The divine weapon spirit didn't hesitate to agree – in fact, Aria was so happy with eh aroma of the smoked chicken sandwiches that she simply picked up one and started nibbling on it!