Sleeping Arrangements

Actually, the brothers have noticed Mei Li's movements the moment she opened the window.

They were used to doing their exercises in the rear courtyard each morning. They've done this even when they were kids since their fathers were adamant in helping them have a healthier body.

Today, they did things as usual, totally not thinking about having a young woman in the house.

Of course, Aunt Li was different. She's practically like their second mother and she's also used to their early morning boxing and sword practice.

Fu Mei Li, however, was another story.

When they realized she was looking at them, the brothers couldn't help but go through a bunch of different emotions.

Some were flustered and stiff. Some felt quite confident and even wanted to show off.

"Wife was looking at me the longest, right?" Weimin asked his brothers with a bright smile.

Shufen snorted in disagreement and Longwei directly burst his bubble, "I think she was looking at second brother the most."

Everyone looked at Haoran who simply slightly curved his lips up and continued swinging his practice sword. Longwei didn't know why but he wished he had even a quarter of his second brother's figure at that moment.

Shufen just had to add fire. He enjoys irritating his brothers. "She was naturally looking at me. I'm clearly the most handsome!"

"Enough. Let's go, we still have work to do." Mingyu cut off the budding argument with his cold tone. The wife clearly looked at him longer!

The brothers dispersed.

Meanwhile, Fu Mei Li ran to the kitchen. She busied herself in an attempt to forget the beautiful figures she saw this morning. She didn't realize she was scrubbing the same bowl for the longest time.

"What are you in a daze for?"

Startled, Mei Li dropped the bowl. Fortunately, it didn't break.

"What?" She looked towards the speaker who turned out to be Jin Shufen.

"I asked you why you were in a daze." He again gave her that half amused and half mocking smile.

"Who's dazed? I'm just making sure the bowl is clean, okay."

"I see."

Shufen then took out his medicine pot and started brewing some herbs. Mei Li just ignored him and started cooking breakfast. She had no choice but to continue cooking millet porridge. But she wanted to spice it up with pickled vegetables that Aunt Li made.

After a while, Shufen handed her a bowl filled with dark green liquid. "Drink your medicine."

Mei Li pouted. This medicine was really bitter and she didn't want to drink it anymore. Oh how she missed the modern medicine capsules and tablets that can be drunk without fuss.

"Do I really need to? I've been feeling better the past few days."

"This is the last dose. Just making sure your cold and fainting spell don't recur." Shufen was amused at her hesitation. This made her look more like a spoiled rich lady compared to yesterday's capable woman in the kitchen.

"Fine." Mei Li held her nose and gulped down the bitter medicine as fast as she could. She made a disgusted face afterwards.

Shufen was further amused. How come this girl changes her face so often?


"Huh?" Why can't she keep up with this guy?

Shufen came closer to her and reached out with his right hand.

Mei Li saw what he was doing but her brain refused to react and just watched those slender fingers reach out and wipe her lips.

"There's medicine left on your lips. Messy." Shufen told him in a low whisper that made her ears heat up.

What in all the parallel worlds is this guy doing?! Mei Li's brain short circuited for a moment.

Jin Shufen was also stunned for a bit. He only meant to tease the girl considering she was watching them with such a heated gaze this morning.

But he didn't expect that touching her lips would feel like that. The softness sent electrical currents to his brain and he could feel his body heating up.

Shufen's gaze on Mei Li grew deeper. He didn't want to let go of those lips and so he rubbed with his fingers a few more times. Hmm, really soft. He suddenly had the impulse of knowing how those soft, pink lips would taste like.

The moment was broken by a cough coming from the kitchen door. It was Aunt Li who looked at the two with laughter in her eyes. Mei Li returned to her senses and suddenly felt guilty for some reason.

"Aunt Li, I'll help you with breakfast!" Mei Li extricated herself from Shufen. The extremely handsome evildoer just put her in a trance. She was about to lose control and pounce on him!

Shufen looked at the delicate escaping back and chuckled. Having a wife doesn't seem too bad. She'll fall into his clutches eventually. He chuckled again and left the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Aunt Li was giving Mei Li meaningful glances. She didn't know if she wanted to laugh or cry. Sure, that guy was supposed to be her husband but they barely know each other. And there were four more. She really shouldn't be entangling with them more than necessary, right?

While Mei Li wanted to keep a distance from the men, things didn't agree with her.

That night, after dinner and after she took a bath, all the five Jin brothers decided to visit her room in the master wing.

"Why are you all here? What do you want to do?" She asked them suspiciously.

"Wife, we need to discuss something important." The ever cheerful Weimin opened up. He had always addressed her as wife ever since she got here. She felt awkward at first but she has slowly gotten used to him calling her that.

"What is it?"

The brothers looked at the little woman who had her guard up and couldn't help but smile in their hearts.

"We need to discuss our sleeping arrangements." Mingyu told her.

"Oh, do you want me to move to another room? Just tell me where. I didn't feel right anyway occupying the main room like this."

Shufen chuckled. "No we are not asking you to move. We are letting you know that we are taking turns sleeping here with you."

A boom exploded in Mei Li's brain. "What?!"

"From now on, us brothers will take turns accompanying you at night." Mingyu confirmed.

This time, Mei Li really couldn't keep her calm. Her little heart wasn't prepared for this, okay!

Yes, she has slept in the same room with men before, usually during excavation projects or fieldwork in places where conditions were limited and it was necessary to share dorms or even tents.

She has also cuddled and slept with some of her past boyfriends but she never went all the way with them. After all, she wanted to be emotionally and mentally committed to a man before she gives herself to him. But none of those relationships lasted long and so she remained a woman who knows and understands about the ultimate matters between men and women but has no first-hand experience.

Now, they're all asking to sleep with her? They may be her husbands in name but she barely knows any of them. How can this happen?

"Wife, you've been here for a few days now. Since you're feeling better, we should consummate." Weimin told her as if it was the most normal thing.

Consummate the marriage? Mei Li felt faint and her face paled uncontrollably. "I'm not ready. I barely know you guys." She shook her head forcefully. "I'll move to another room."

Mingyu noticed the woman's pale complexion. "Don't listen to third brother. He is just saying that. We are not planning to force you. However, we only have these many rooms in the house and it is inconvenient for me to stay in fourth brother's room all the time."

"So what exactly are you saying?"

"We are planning to take turns sleeping here with you but we won't do anything other than sleeping. We won't force you to do anything you don't want to. I will sleep in whichever room is empty when it's not my turn to sleep here."

Mei Li felt somewhat sorry towards Mingyu. Because of her, he became like a homeless guy, forced to transfer rooms each night.


The brothers were looking at her expectantly.

Mei Li took a deep breath and calmed her surprised heart. "Fine, but I have three conditions." Hey, she didn't force them to take her as their wife right. They should at least listen to her opinion.

"Tell us." Haoran asked her.

"First, promise me you won't force me to consummate without my permission.

Second, I am still young and my body is not even healthy. I am not ready to have children so please don't pressure me about this. I don't want to end up in a one body two corpses situation.

Third, you have to take a bath before going to bed. I don't want to sleep with stinky men."

Mei Li said her conditions in rapid fire and looked at the men in front of her with a look that says these are non-negotiable.

She waited for the brothers to reply.