Family Meeting

Jin Weimin was so moved by his wife that he had the urge to cry! Their wife was truly so kind and so good. It was their blessing to have married her.

Mingyu was a little stunned. How can this woman be so eloquent? She seemed to radiate a convincing and heartwarming aura that he was sure he couldn't find in other noble ladies from the capital.

Jin Mingyu wondered why Mei Li was so different from the city and village girls he knew. Was this really the bullied and timid eldest miss from the Fu estate that he heard about from the Grand Tutor?

Longwei's heart was also roiling upon hearing Mei Li's speech. Did she really say that she won't abandon them? That included him, right?

As for Haoran, he only smiled slightly. He already knew that this woman was bold and strong-willed, and that she had many capabilities. He was looking forward to what else she wanted to do. Anyway, all he needed to do was protect her.

Shufen had his customary roguish smile on, but his gaze deepened while looking at the delicate woman standing in front of them. Interesting. She was truly interesting!

The dear elder woman, Aunt Li, wiped her tears. She was so moved just now. A cloud of gloom and sadness hung over the Jin family for many years. Now, it seems like a change for the better has indeed arrived.

Jin Mingyu snapped out of it first. He raised his cup in response to Mei Li's toast and then downed its contents. "To a better future," he also solemnly said.

Hearing their eldest brother, the four men also responded to their wife's toast with a light feeling in their hearts.

The dining area was soon filled with chatter, mostly about how delicious the pheasant casserole was. Haoran slurped everything in his bowl greedily while thinking he should catch more pheasants in the future.

The lively dinner was soon over and the table was cleared. Aunt Li went off to wash the dishes.

Before everyone could disperse, Mei Li called out to her husbands again.

"That... husbands can you stay for a while. I have some things to discuss with you all."

The men who were pleased at being called 'husband' went back to their seats.

Just like that, Mei Li's first family meeting in the Jin household was started.

"Big brother Mingyu, you said your family ran businesses in the nearest town?" Mei Li asked the eldest Jin brother.

"Yes, we had a silk and satin shop, and also a small restaurant. But these are temporarily closed and we still need to decide what to do moving forward."

Mei Li nodded. "I see. Well, let's put that aside for now. I wanted to know if you have connections in town who can help us fetch a fair price for our Lingzhi mushrooms?"

She then turned to ask her fourth husband, "Shufen, you practice medicine, right? Do you know of a medical hall in town that will buy the mushrooms at a good price?"

Shufen shook his head. As much as possible, he would gather herbs together with his master from the nearby mountains instead of buying them from town. After all, the family didn't have much silver.

The brothers were silent for a moment, until Mingyu spoke. "I know where the largest medical hall in town is and the shopkeeper there was an acquaintance of First Father."

"But I have not visited there in many years, so I don't know if that shopkeeper is still there. All we can do is check."

Mei Li was pleasantly surprised that there was a chance to talk to an acquaintance. "Then, can we visit the town in two days?"

"Wife, why in two days? Why not sell it tomorrow?" Weimin asked.

Mei Li shook her head, thinking of the other herbs she gathered on the way down the mountain.

"There are still a few things I want to prepare. I won't know if it will be successful until two days later though." She stopped there, not wanting to explain further in case her experiment wouldn't work.

"I'll go with you to town then." Jin Shufen volunteered. He thought that if they were going to a medical hall, then he who knows medicine, should be there.

Mingyu, who met that shopkeeper years ago, would naturally go with them, too.

Weimin was feeling aggrieved and wanted to come along, but his idea was shot down by his brothers as he was still needed in the fields. The same went for Haoran.

As for Longwei, he didn't like going out and he knew his elder brothers were capable enough.

"Alright, then it's decided. We'll sell the Lingzhi mushrooms two days later. Also, I would like to visit our family's shops if possible."

She wanted to know the conditions of those two shops and think of ideas on how to revive them.

The brothers did not oppose, so Mei Li concluded their meeting. Her tiredness also finally caught up to her and all she could think of now was getting a warm bath and then sleeping!

When everyone was out the kitchen door and about to leave for their respective rooms, Mei Li suddenly felt a strong arm wrapped around her waist.

She was then pulled towards a warm and broad chest.

It took her a moment to realize that it was Haoran who was intimately holding her. Before she could say anything, Haoran bent his tall body down and planted a kiss on her temple.

"Goodnight." He murmured.

Mei Li was shocked! The other brothers were also shocked!

A flush crept up Mei Li's face. Thankfully, it was dark in the courtyard so her heated red face wasn't readily apparent.

She admitted to herself long ago that she was attracted to her second husband. She wouldn't have boldly kissed him in the forest otherwise.

However, she totally did not expect this public display of affection! Especially when the audience were supposed to be men with extremely reserved and traditional values, when an exposed arm or leg would already cause a commotion.

The other four Jin brothers were stupefied.

Wait, when did the second brother and the wife's relationship become so close?