Preparing Herbs

The next day, after breakfast, Fu Mei Li was left alone in the kitchen staring at the bunch of herbs she gathered the previous day.

As for the Lingzhi mushrooms, she already stored them in a cool and dry shelf space in the kitchen.

Mei Li fiddled with the herbs and divided them into two groups.

While going up and down the mountains yesterday, she saw so many herbs, flowers, and plants that aroused her passion for botany and chemistry.

These were crucial subjects that archaeologists study. Contrary to what most people think, archaeologists don't only study ancient languages, fossils, or human bones.

The profession actually calls for studying a wide range of subjects, which include botany, chemistry, physics, topography, ancient technologies, cultural heritages, modern laboratory technologies, and more.

Sure, there are specializations but most of those who become successful in the field of archaeology are naturally curious people who are keen on studying a bunch of things.

One moment, they will be studying ancient remains of flora, fauna, and humans. Next, they could find themselves tinkering with ancient technologies and reconstructing old buildings, ships, or tools.

Archaeologists will even pick up speaking and writing skills over the years, if they work in places that require them to attend conventions or write research journals.

As such, with Mei Li's more than 15 years of studies and work experience in her past life, coupled with her high intelligence quotient, she has a lot of knowledge stored in her brain.

Her familiarity with herbs and chemical solutions was now coming to play, helping her to think of yet another way to make money.

If her previous colleagues found out that she used her scientific knowledge for the pursuit of silver, what would they think?

Mei Li stopped being distracted and concentrated on what she was doing.

These herbs gave her an idea yesterday.

She will create her own proprietary tea blends!

She remembered that it was during the Tang dynasty, which she was currently in, that the tea culture in China truly took off.

So, there should be a wide market for her tea. And she would be part of the tea revolution. She was already excited just thinking about it.

There was no time like the present, so Mei Li busied herself all day. She air-dried and sun-dried some of the herbs and flowers, and she dry-fried the others in low and controlled heat to remove the moisture.

Some herbs and flowers were hung in clumps by the kitchen windows, others were spread in small baskets out in the courtyard, and yet others were strung up a tree.

Aunt Li was bewildered by what she was doing but didn't ask any questions. She simply thought that this was one of the eccentricities of people from the capital!

At noon, the Jin brothers gathered at the kitchen and found the once familiar place now strangely decorated with herbs and flowers.

Jin Shufen took a good look around and was surprised by what he saw. These were all medicinal herbs and flowers!

He saw rhododendrons that were good for digestive health, licorice roots that prevent infection, passionflower that helps treat anxiety, and many more. There were about ten kinds of medicinal herbs that he saw.

He immediately became interested. "Little girl, are you preparing medicine? Since when did you learn about medicinal herbs?"

"Shufen, will you stop calling me little girl." Mei Li was becoming annoyed at this. He always called her that, but she was currently 17!

"Then why don't you call me big brother Shufen? I'm clearly older than you." He retorted.

"Hmph, you and Longwei are the youngest brothers. Even if I'm the youngest out of everyone here now, I am still your wife. I insist that I'm at least at the same level as you in the hierarchy regardless of age!"

Mei Li knew she was being unreasonable. But she was in her 30s previously and didn't want to be treated as the youngest, even though she clearly was currently.

"Alright, listen to the wife, fourth brother. Just let her call you whatever she wants." As always, her number one supporter, Weimin, has got her back.

His third brother had already spoken, so there was nothing Shufen could do. He could only say, "Alright, I'll just call you Xiaomei, then!"

Mei Li was still dissatisfied when he insisted on adding the word 'little' to her name. (Xiao here means little)

But at least it was better than 'little girl', which sounded so juvenile to her.

"So, Xiaomei, what medicine are you preparing?"

The other brothers who were amused at their bickering were also curious.

"I'm not making medicine. I'm making tea blends!"

This was even more unbelievable for Shufen and the rest. As far as they knew, it takes years of experience blending tea. It was even considered an art form.

The knowledge of creating tea blends was also often a closely guarded family secret. Tea manufacturers were often from families who have been in business for hundreds of years. The Fu family was definitely not a tea manufacturing family…

"You know how to make tea blends?" Mingyu asked her.

Mei Li found Mingyu the most difficult person to lie to in this whole family, so she dodged as much as possible.

"I really don't know much. It's just that I've read a book on herbs before and I also liked cooking. So, I simply thought that herbs are not only good for medicine but also for eating and drinking."

"I'm just going to experiment in these two days. Who knows, I might be lucky and come up with something good. I'm so smart, after all, haha…" Mei Li decided to be shameless about this.

The men saw their wife's proud look and were amused. They just considered it as her playing around. After all, no matter what she said, she was still the youngest here. So they left her to do whatever she wanted.

Mei Li finished the drying process before lunch. She just needed to wait for the air and sun-dried ones to be completed. Then she could start experimenting with the blends she had in mind.

After lunch, Mei Li planned to do more work around the house.

Unfortunately, she suddenly felt warm liquid trickling down between her legs.

Sh*t, her great aunt just arrived!