Feng Clan

Every region of the Tian Yun continent was separated in one way or another even still, their powers were almost the same, except for the tyrannical Central Region because Central Region was the heart and soul of the Tian Yun continent.

The power distribution of the four regions was also almost the same. Each region had four kingdoms, and they were ruled by the royal family of the kingdom.

The Kingdom had core capital on which The Royal family resides. The Royal family divided the kingdom's territory based on strength hierarchy.

The kingdom's territories were divided into nine counties, thirty-six cities, one hundred and eight villages.

The Royal Family controls the nine counties from the kingdom's capital. The nine counties control the thirty-six cities, while they each had four cities under them. The thirty-six cities control one hundred eight villages, while they each had three villages under them.

The villages were at the bottom of the power hierarchy.

Actually, There was a profound and logical reason for this type of distribution.

Every kingdom in dividing its territory had two options. One was power concentration and the other power distribution.

If the kingdom tightly held all the power, people might be jealous of the kingdom's power.

Every people wanted power, so how could they accept sole enjoyment of power by a single person? So all the dissatisfied people might try to rebel against the kingdom's rule.

Kingdom may curb these rebels once, but they couldn't curb them forever, and at some point, the kingdom itself collapsed by these rebels.

If the kingdom freely distributed its territory, then it would lose total control over its territory. It would become an empty shell.

So kingdom maintained an optimum distribution of its territory. It's neither too much concentrated nor too much distributed. And because of this reason, every kingdom could sit on the throne for a long time.

The Kingdom capital was ruled by the royal family, County was ruled by the county master, City was ruled by the city lord, and the village was ruled by the village head.

The Royal Family would appoint County Master, the County Master would Appoint City Lord, and the City Lord would appoint the Village head.

The Royal family wouldn't interfere in the governance of the County master, and likewise, the County Master also wouldn't interfere governance of the City Lord. The freedom of governance was given to the respective heads.

The kingdom also had some independent powers which weren't under its control, Like some dominant sects, powerful clans, and notable organizations like a chamber of commerce, mercenary guild, Alchemist association, weaponsmith association, etc.

Everything was going normal on the Tian Yuan Continent, but one pleasant day, the magnificent colored sky of the Tian Yuan continent suddenly turned to pitch black. In that black sky, an ancient, majestic, noble, and grand sword, with a radiance that overturned that of stars, was appeared.

When the people of the continent saw the sword, whether the strongest or weakest, they were felt suppressed deep in their souls, and they all want to prostrate themselves to that sword. And when they almost knelt, that sword suddenly disappeared, so the suppression.

The sky went back to normal, after that, all the people thought a god was just passed by their continent, and after few months, they slowly forget about that incident.

In the Southern region of the continent, There was a kingdom called the Everlasting Kingdom. The kingdom was established thousands of years ago. The everlasting kingdom was located in the eastern part of the Southern Region.

The Everlasting kingdom was established by a powerful person named Tong Hong. After he established the Kingdom, His family, The Tong Family, had become the Royal family of the kingdom and started ruling the kingdom. Tong Hong was one of the strongest persons in the southern region.

In that Everlasting Kingdom, there existed a dominant clan named Feng Clan. The Feng Clan didn't become a dominant clan overnight, and at first, Feng Clan was a small clan unknown in the kingdom, slowly they had risen to the current position. The main reason for the rise of The Feng Clan was their ancestor.

The Ancestor of the Feng Clan was named Feng Dao, he had risen like a comet, and he single-handedly brought Feng Clan to its current position. Feng Dao wasn't the strongest person on the continent, but he was just below them. His name was also well known across the southern region.

The current patriarch of the Feng Clan was Feng Xuan. He was the second strongest person of the Feng Clan.

Feng Xuan was a very tall middle-aged person. His face had two long scars resulting from his past battles, and His eyes contained strong killing intent, which was the result of his uncountable killings. Feng Xuan named himself through the battels, his weapon was a hammer, and with his hammer, he smashed all his opponents, and he was an unstoppable war god in the battels.

Feng Clan also had its branches all over the Everlasting kingdom.

Seven months after the sword's appearance, at Feng Clan, there existed a boisterous atmosphere. People were arguing, chattering, laughing, and cheering Because today was going to be the birth of their patriarch child.

If that child was male, then he might become the next patriarch candidate.

At the Feng Clan mansion, outside the hall of Partiarch's courtyard, A group of people was sitting around two opposite tables. At the start of those two tables, a person was seated in an exquisite wooden chair carved with dragon patterns. He was Feng Xuan. The people seated around those two tables were the elders of the Clan.

Feng Xuan was discussing something with the elders, but suddenly they all had heard a running sound of someone coming in their direction.

When They shifted their attention towards that direction, they saw a young female, dressed as a maid, was frantically running towards them.

That female maid, with a heavy gasping, arrived at the group.

She, with a ragged breath and uncontrollable excitement, loudly yelled, "Good news! .......! good news!..... patriarch, it's a boy, it's a boy."

Everyone was suddenly startled by these sudden and delightful words brought by the maid.

Feng Xuan was dazed by overwhelming ecstasy, and for few seconds, he stood there in a stiff.

Suddenly one after another, all the elders came into reality, and they, with a cheerful tone,

"Congratulations, patriarch."

"Congratulations, patriarch."

"Heavens are blessing The Feng Clan."

"Patriarch, Feng Clan dragon was born."

"The young master would lead Feng Clan to new heights."

Like that, all kinds of congratulatory and flattery words were heard.

Feng Xuan was also slightly elated with pride when he heard those congratulations, but he covered that pride and looked at the maid with satisfaction, then said, "You sure brought the good news."

Feng Xuan waved his hand, and out of nowhere, retrieved a Pill bottle and gifted that bottle to the female maid.

"Thank you, patriarch." The female maid with a bow accepted the bottle.

After handing over the gift, Feng Xuan couldn't stay there anymore, so he left the hall at a quick speed and, with great excitement, entered his wife's room.

When he entered the room, all the maids were backed off with a slight bow, but one female maid came forward and delicately brought a child wrapped in soft blankets, then she gave that child to Feng Xuan.

Feng Xuan, with utmost care and love, tenderly took that child into his arms.

He passionately observed his child for a few minutes, and after observing for minutes, his eyes shined brightly, as if he thought something good. Immediately He with a smile gently, and said,

"Feng Xiao,"

He named his child Feng Xiao.

After Naming his child, he slowly approached his wife, then tenderly looked into her eyes, and gratefully said,

"Fang'er, thank you for the trouble you have taken and also for giving me this child."

Feng Xuan's wife was satisfied with his husband's words, but she didn't reply anything to him, just casually smiled.

This lady's name was Mo Fang, Feng Xuan's wife. She came from one of the prominent and mighty clans named Mo Clan.

"Fang'er, do you like the name 'Feng Xiao'?"

"Husband, I like everything you like," She simply said in a casual tone.

Feng Xuan was satisfied with his wife's reply. At the same time, when he was brimming with happiness, one person of the Feng Clan was fully tensed.

That person was currently at his courtyard, which was away from Feng Xuan's.

That person was tensely walking to and fro in front of a room in his courtyard.

His name was Feng Chen, one of the elders of the Feng Clan.

He was a young-looking middle-aged person. His face didn't have a single scar, indicating that he rarely battels.

Feng Chen was righteous, principled, and an upright man. He just wants a simple and peaceful life and didn't interested in any of the power struggles. He didn't want to harm any person.

Feng Chen's grandfather was once the patriarch of the Feng Clan, but his father couldn't retain his grandfather's position because of a lack of talent.

The Feng Clan values power so much, so only a talented and powerful person like Feng Xuan could become its patriarch.

In fact, Feng Chen had also had great talent, unlike his father. But he lacks ambition, so he didn't contend for Partiach position, or else he might have been a powerful contender for the patriarch's position in the past.

And today was the most difficult day for Feng Chen because today his wife was giving birth to his child. If It was a normal birth, Feng Chen wouldn't have been tensed, but it wasn't, as his unborn child was injured when he was five months old.

Feng Chen's wife was injured in an accident when she was five months old pregnant, and after that incident, they went to an alchemist, then that alchemist said that the life force of their child was faint, so there was a very high chance the child might die.

At that time, Feng Chen's couple was so desperate and didn't know what to do, but to their surprise, the weak life force of the child was suddenly started to increase, and When they again visited the alchemist, he was astonished. How could a faint life force start to increase?

The alchemist this time said that there would be no danger to the child, but his growth would be slow, and he might even be born with some defects.

As the alchemist said, the child growth was indeed slow, as Feng Chen's wife was now eleven months pregnant. Due to that injury, her delivery was delayed two months late.

A door opening sound was heard, followed by a female maid coming out that door. She slowly approached  worried Feng Chen then cheerfully said,

"Elder Feng Chen, congratulations, madam gave birth to a male child."

When Feng Chen heard her words, he immediately rushed into the room, ignoring the lady who brought the news as he had been extremely worried about his child.

When He entered the room, he directly reached his child, who was held by a maid. He took him from that maid and checked his condition. Although he wasn't an alchemist, he could at least check the condition of a newborn baby.

After checking the child's condition, Feng Chen was relaxed. Because, except for a few blocked meridians, everything was normal.

Only now, Feng Chen truly looked at his child's appearance. Even though his child's eyes look very small now, they resembled a sharp sword. So he named his child.