Dark Clouds Coming

Feng Zhang, With a hint of mysteriousness, slowly reached his nephew and placed his hand over his head, then closed his eyes. His eyes remained closed for a few minutes, then slowly opened. After that, Feng Zhang retracted his hand with a bright smile on his face.

Feng Zhang looked all around then slowly looked at his brother and, with a dazzling smile, said, "Congratulations Brother,....Your son was now hope and also the new dragon of the Feng Clan. ______He has the same level of weapon soul as the ancestor, The Level Seven sword type weapon soul."

Suddenly the hall become dead silent,

Everyone became stiff like a wooden chicken as they were not ready to accept such unbelievable and marvelous news.

Feng Xuan was the first to come to the senses and suspiciously asked, "My dear good brother, are you really telling the truth? or else you are just making fun of me."

"My brother, do you think I would make jokes in this type of matter? and also on this type of occasion? No, I am telling you the truth, and there is nothing false in it." Feng Zhang, with an honest and truthful tone, said.

Even with Feng Zhang honest words, Feng Xuan was still struggling to accept the facts, but suddenly,

"Congratulations, Patriarch. You have given birth to such a great Child." One of the elders congratulated with a great brimming smile.

"Congratulations, patriarch."

"Congratulations, patriarch."

"Heavens are blessing our Feng Clan with Young Master Feng Xiao."

"Our Feng Clan Will rise to new Heights with Young Master Feng Xiao."

All kinds of flattery, congratulatory, and futuristic words were resounded in the meeting hall.

Feng Xuan suddenly came into the senses with these words, and later Feng Xuan's face was filled with pride and joy. He sincerely said, "Everyone, I thank all of you for such auspicious words."

After some time, the commotion quieted down, except for some low whisperings. At that time, Feng Chen hesitantly get up, and with a low voice, asked, 

"Grand Elder Feng Zhang, If you don't mind, will you also calculate my child's Weapon soul."

When Feng Zhang heard Feng Chen's request, he awkwardly looked at him and guiltily said, "Ah! Feng Chen, I nearly forget about this little nephew here! I am sorry for that,...., Now I will also calculate his level of weapon soul."

Feng Zhang reached Tian Jian and placed his over his head, then did the same thing as he did to Feng Xiao, but while he was doing that, his eyes started to frown as if he was suspicious over something. Sometime later, he opened his eyes with disappointment and said,

"Sigh! What a pity! What a pity!"

Feng Zhang, with a disappointment, repeated those words,

Feng Chen was so tensed by those words, so he tensely asked, "Grand Elder, What happened?"

Feng Zhang meaningfully looked at Feng Chen and seriously asked, "Is your child injured before he was born?"

Feng Chen was shocked by Feng Zhang's accurate words, so he knew that he couldn't hide the truth, so he truthfully said, "You are right, Grand Elder. He was injured due to an accident."

"So I was right about it," 

"Feng Chen, because of his injury, your child weapon soul is quite low. In fact, His weapon Soul would have at least reached level four if it wasn't for that accident, But now it's a pity, it's only reached level-three sword-type weapon soul." Feng Zhang said with a sigh.

Feng Zhang's words like sharp needles struck Feng Chen's heart, but Feng Chen quickly came out of that pain as he was ready to accept a harsh reality.

"So it's only level three." Feng Chen, with disappointment, muttered lowly.

"Thank you, Grand elder, for taking your trouble." Feng Chen thanked him out of courtesy.

"There is no trouble at all, and what will you do for his blocked meridians." Feng Zhang doubtfully asked.

"Grand Elder, I was thinking about visiting Pill temple after few days for the Tier-Six meridian opening pill." Feng Chen calmly replied.

"Oh! Tier-Six meridian opening pill!____Uum! It would definitely help you out._______B-But do you know how much that pill would cost?" Feng Zhang asked seriously.

Feng Chen understood Feng Zhang's meaning, but he, in a determined tone, without wavering, said,  "I know, grand elder, but it's my responsibility, so I can't back down."

Feng Zhang's eyes suddenly shone with Feng Chen's determination. Later, He slowly and mysteriously waved his hand, then suddenly a translucent bottle, with some round object, appeared in his hand.

"Well, do you know what it is?" Feng Zhang, with suspense, asked Feng Chen.

Feng Chen slowly shifted his vision to that bottle, but when he looked at that bottle, his legs started trembling, and he quiveringly asked, "Grand Elder, i-is it tier six meridian opening pill?"

Feng Zhang proudly smiled and said, "You are quite right about it. It was made by my master. ________Today I am in a great mood, and also, I was moved by seeing your responsibility to your child, so I am gifting you this pill."

Feng Chen was astonished by this sudden gift, but he couldn't accept the gift as his nature wouldn't permit it, so he politely refused, "Grand elder, I can't accept such a precious gift."

"I am not gifting this gift to you. I am gifting this pill to my little nephew for his birthday, so can't I even give a gift to my nephew?" Feng Zhang asked seriously.

Even then, Feng Chen was about to refuse the gift but was stopped by one of the elders sitting beside him. That elder also said few things to Feng Chen. So after some time,

"In that case, I thanked grand elder on behalf of my child." Feng Chen said hesitantly.

"But there is a problem here. You know how delicate the meridians of a newly born child are, so we can't give this pill directly, and we have to inject its essence to his meridians slowly through sliver needles." Feng Zhang seriously explained the process.

After hearing Feng Zhang's words, Feng Chen was also thinking about the issue, but he suddenly got a thought, then he kindly asked, "Then, Grand Elder, would you take some time for this child and do this process for him."

"Well, I will do it for him, but not today as my mind isn't calm, so tomorrow, bring your child to my courtyard, and there I will do that process." Feng Zhang calmly said.

"I thank, Grand Elder, for your graciousness to my child."

After that, everyone left the hall, leaving only Feng Zhang and Feng Xuan as they had something to discuss secretly.

At Feng Chen Court Yard, Su Ling was waiting for her husband. When She noticed her husband's arrival, she immediately rushes to him and anticipatingly asked, "Husband, how is it? Did you test our child weapon soul?"

Feng Chen was hesitant, to tell the truth to his wife, but he knew he couldn't hide the truth forever, so he dejectedly said, "Well, I tested it, but it is only a level three sword-type soul."

When Su Ling heard those words, she felt that the world she imagined was collapsed, so she dispiritedly asked, "It's only level three!"

Feng Chen also noticed his wife's mood, so to soothe her, he happily said, "But there is a good news for us,____ That is grand elder gifted our child with Tier-Six meridian Opening pill."

Su Ling was confused as well as delighted by her husband's words, "Really, but why would he gifted such a precious pill to us."

Later Feng Chen explained today's events to Su Ling.

While they were discussing, Tian Jian was also disappointed with his weapon soul.

'So, I only have level three Sword Type Weapon Soul. I have disappointed my parents so much, and why would heavens so unfair to me?' Tian Jian was sadly thought inside.

But what Tian Jian didn't know is apart from the weapon soul, he has something else in his body, and in front of it, all the weapon souls of the continent couldn't hold a shoe, as it was its source of all sword type weapon souls under the heavens.

It was the mighty and everlasting Heavenly Sword Itself.

The day passed, and today was the day the grand elder promised to open Tian Jian blocked meridians, So Feng Chen Brought Tian Jian to the Grand elder Feng Zhang courtyard.

After seeing Feng Chen, Feng Zhang came forward and welcomed him.

"Welcome, Feng Chen. Did you bring my little nephew?" Feng Zhang asked friendly.

"Yes, Grand Elder, I brought my child for opening his meridians." Feng Chen replied with a smile.

"Feng Chen, whether, in pill making or this opening of meridians, we alchemists have to concentrate of our soul power at maximum, and we cannot be disturbed no matter what." Feng Zhang solemnly said.

"I Know Grand Elder Feng Zhang."

Feng Chen also knows that so many alchemists preferred a secluded location when they are concocting pills.

"The process of opening the blocked meridians will take up to three hours, so I need you to stand guard in the fort of my room door, and no matter who it is, don't allow them to enter my room." Feng Zhang seriously warned him.

"I Would assure you, Grand Elder. I won't allow anyone to disturb you." Feng Chen assured Feng Zhang.

"Ok, Then I will begin my procedure." Feng Zhang said and took Tian Jian into his room.

Inside the room, Feng Zhang dissolved the pill essence in a bowl of origin liquid, and then through Silver needles, he slowly injected the pill essence into Tian Jian's meridians.

After three hours, Feng Zhang brought Tian Jian outside his room.

When he opened his room door,

"Grand Elder, How did it go." Feng Chen asked worriedly.

"You can check it yourself." Feng Zhang handed Tian Jian to Feng Chen.

Feng Chen received his child and injected a little amount of Origin Qi into his son's body, and found that all the blocked meridians in his son's body were now opened.

"Thank you, Grand elder, for your graciousness." Feng Chen immediately thanked him.

"No problem at all." Grand Elder replied with a smile.

After that, Feng Chen brought his son back to his yard, but as he was bringing his son, he could not notice that his son was trying to say something to him with small eyes anxiously.

After Feng Chen was gone, a silhouette can be seen at the Feng Zhang Courtyard, and he is none other than Feng Clan patriarch Feng Xuan.

"Is everything ready, brother?" Feng Zhang severely asked Feng Xuan.

"We can implement our plan tomorrow evening." Feng Xuan replied earnestly.

"Make sure to act accordingly, what I said, and don't make any mistakes." Feng Zhang reminded Feng Xuan.