Training Begins Part2

Cheng Huan is surprised by the words of Tian Jian. He doesn't know from where does his son gets confidence, And he doesn't look overconfident.

"Ok, Follow me to the treasury, and I will give that Basic Sword Technique." Cheng Huan said calmly, and he immediately walks out of the training grounds and goes to the treasury.

Tian Jian also follows his father. Because of his excitement, he misplaces his steps and almost slips to the ground. After some time, Father and son reach the treasury of the village.

"Father, Is this our village treasury?" Tian Jian's eyes lit up by seeing their village treasury.

This treasury has so many rows of shelves, and they are filled with currency, herbs, pills, scrolls, etc.,

"Yes, It is our treasury, and this is where our village's most important items are placed. Only a few people have direct access to this treasury." Cheng Huan said with a solemn voice, and he slowly walked in a specified direction.

After that, he retrieved a scroll from a specified shelf and brought it with him.

"This is the Basic Sword Technique, and I will give it to you, and you have to memorize it in few days. I will also demonstrate how to practice that technique, and if you have any doubts, ask me immediately." Cheng Huan said in a tender voice.

"Ok, Father, I won't disappoint you." Tian Jian said assuringly.

"Ok, Now immediately goes back to the training ground, and we will start your training from today onwards." Cheng Huan said in a light orderly tone.

After some time, they reached the training ground in the Cheng Huan courtyard.

"Son, First I will show you the moves, and later you also refer them with the scroll in your hands, and if you have any doubts in those moves immediately ask me, and I will clarify to you." Cheng Huan said in a commanding tone.

"Ok, father, I will do as you say." Tian Jian said reassuringly.

Cheng Huan draws his Sword from the sheath, and he stands in a distinct pose.

"First, you have to stand in this position." Cheng Huan stands straight and lifts his right hand with a sword facing upward.

"Then you have to slash like this, stab like this, twist like this, tap like this, sweep like this..." Cheng Huan is showing nine basic sword moves, and when he is showing moves, his muscles are slightly moving in a particular sequence.

"Now, do you get a general understanding of basic moves?" Cheng Huan asked seriously.

Tian Jian is keenly observing his father, and he entered a trance-like stage, and when he heard his father, he immediately recovered from that stage and hurriedly said, "Yes, father."

"Ok, Now you daily practice these nine basic moves. If you are lucky, maybe you will enter Mortal Body Realm when you mastered those nine moves." Cheng Huan said mysteriously.

Some people, if they truly perfected these nine moves, will enter Mortal- Body realm.

Tian Jian started his training with the sword, but what he wields is a wooden sword.

When Tian Jian wields the sword, he felt that there is some connection with it, and he felt like it is an extension of his arm. Tian Jian unknowingly waved his hand, and he felt so much joy in it.

'What a strange feeling? I feel like I made for a sword.' Tian Jian thought inside.

Tian Jian ignored his thoughts and sincerely began his training. He first starts with starting stance, and when he is doing that, he is trying to adjust his muscles for a perfect stance. While he is trying to do that, his muscles are trembling all over and are sweating so much.

It's true, in order to perfect a move, you must have total control over your body, and only then can you truly perfect that move. To Control every part of the body according to that move is extremely difficult, and when controls your body, then the perfectness of your body increases one fold.

Tian Jian tries to adjust himself in that stance, and after doing it multiple times, he slowly accustomed to it without knowing him. He slowly perfected that stance, and when he realized that he already perfected that stance, he was bewildered.

'I truly perfected this stance but didn't father say even for the genius it will take up to ten days to complete the first stance.' Tian Jian frowned his eyebrows.

'If I completed it, then that's it, and why do I have to compare with those geniuses? It's a good thing that I perfected my first stance on day one itself. I should start my second stance.' Tian Jian persuades himself to move forward.

'Growl' Tian Jian's stomach is making hungry noises.

'I am so hungry! Now I remember! Father told me that after so much training, the Body's appetite also increases. Now, I have to eat food that contains Origin Qi, and after that, my body absorbs that Origin Qi and transforms into Blood Qi.' Tian Jian's eyes lit up by remembering his father's past words.

Tian Jian immediately ruches to the kitchen, and he immediately ordered the servants.

"Immediately make large Roasted meat covered with honey, a large bowl of Origin rice, and Thick fish soup with origin herbs." Tian Jian ordered his servant.

"Ok, Young Master, I will right away prepare it." That servant replied respectfully.

After some time, the servant comes with the dishes and offers them to Tian Jian.

Tian Jian started to take large bites of meat and wolfed down in several bites, and he gulped down the soup in a single gulp, and he finishes off the entire rice in less than a minute.

The servant is startled by his Young master's appetite. In the past, his young master doesn't have this much appetite, so he brought his food according to his previous appetite, and now it looks likes this food is nowhere near satisfying his young master's appetite.

"Young master, Should I bring you more food?" Servant asked politely.

"Yes, You go and bring extra three portions of this food." Tian Jian said with an unsatisfactory tone. Tian Jian also didn't think that his Appetite grows up this much.

"Yes, Yes, Young Master, I will immediately go and brings the food." The Servant said hurriedly.

Sometime later, Servant brought a large platter of food, Which is three times larger than the food he brought previously.

Tian Jian, this time also finishes the food at a swift speed. But now, his hunger gradually calms down.

Tian Jian's stomach bulged slightly, but not very much. He patted his stomach with satisfaction. After that, he has taken some rest to completely ingest the food that has taken earlier.

Tian Jian has taken a rest for nearly two hours. After that, he feels fully energized. Now, if he has taken the previous sword stance, that stance will now fill with some dominance.

'mmm..' Tian Jian felt some sort of subtle moments going on his inside.

'What is this feeling? I feel like something is moving in my inside' Tian Jian thought himself without knowing what is going on his inside.

'Now I remember! Father told me that If I have enough Blood Qi, It will make my weapon Soul revolve. Since I have taken so much of origin food, It should have increased my Blood Qi, But it is not enough to make my weapon soul make one complete revolution, but it is making some subtle movements to my weapon soul.' Tian Jian thought inside.

Tian Jian is now completely happy because of his improvement, and he can feel that his strength is increasing at an alarming rate.

'So this is the result of my training. My strength increased considerably.' Tian Jian smiled with a grin on his face.

'Now It's time for more practice. I can't be satisfied with these minute results, and this strength is nowhere near achieving my true goals.' Tian Jian's goal is to take revenge for his parents, and his training is only the beginning step toward achieving his goal.

'Now I have entered my cultivation, so Feng Xuan, and Feng Zhang, you better ready for my future assault.' Tian Jian, with monstrous killing intent, said to himself.

Tian Jian went to the training grounds for the practice, but This Time when he is practicing the First move, he felt it is much easier than before, and now his body grew much stronger and flexible.

Tian Jian started his second move, but this move is much more difficult than the first move, and Tian Jian completed it in Half day.

Three days later, Tian Jian completedly mastered the fourth movie, and his strength, as well as his appetite, also increased so much.

Six Days later, Tian Jian fully mastered the seventh move of the basic sword technique.

Ten Days later, Tian Jian fully mastered all of the moves of basic sword technique given by his father.

Even though he completely mastered the basic sword technique, he didn't enter the Mortal Body Realm, But he feels he possesses great strength. But he doesn't know how to measure his true strength.