Tian Jian's Path

"Father, Then I almost three times more powerful than the person of same cultivation level, isn't absurd?" Tian Jian's voice is now a mixture of happiness and surprise. He is surprised to know he has a unique talent and is happy because he has something unique to confront the Colossal Feng Clan.

"Yes, you are correct, and also three times is my minimum estimate, and it may be a little higher, but I can't say accurately." Cheng Huan said with little uncertainness.

"Father, It's very a good thing that I have this unique strength, correct?" Tian Jian's voice is now blooming with delights.

Cheng Huan doesn't immediately respond to Tian Jian's words, as if he is thinking about something, and after some time, he slowly said in a deep and meaningful tone, "Son, It is a good thing, but it may be a bad thing. I can say it is a blessing as well as a curse."

Tian Jian is utterly confused by his father's words, and he couldn't understand why his father say something like that, so he asked in confusion, "Father, Why would you say something like that?"

"Son, It's a good thing to have a great strength, but you are forgetting about something else, any person, if he practiced any technique and produces the required amount of blood qi to enter the mortal body realm then, he will enter the Mortal Body Realm." Cheng Huan continued in a deep tone.

"So, if a person completely masters basic tier technique, then they will enter Mortal Body Realm, and if he completely masters Teir-One Technique, then he will enter Origin Body Realm. Like that, if he completely masters a corresponding technique to a corresponding level, then he may enter the next level."

"But, you are different from other persons, so if you want to enter the mortal body realm, then the amount of blood qi produced by the Basic tier technique won't be sufficient, So you must further train your body with at least Tier-One technique. And also, you must achieve some basic mastery over that technique only then you will be able to enter Mortal Body Realm." Cheng Huan said in a meaningful tone.

"Son, Apart from the Techniques, you also require so many resources to support your cultivation, or else even though you mastered those techniques, you won't be able to proceed further in the cultivation." Cheng Huan said in a Heavy tone.

Tian Jian is also pondering over his father's words, and only now is he starting to understand the seriousness of this issue.

"Son, Think about it either the techniques or the resources aren't the cabbages brought in the market. Of course, Either I or the village can afford you to a certain level, but after a certain level, neither of us can afford you." Cheng Huan said in a reasonable tone because, after a certain level, even he would also become helpless.

"Son, after a certain level, you have to earn your resources yourself. The resources are not readily available, and you have to earn them with your hard work, courage, strength, and sometimes luck. You may have to face so many enemies for these resources, and you may face so many tests to earn those resources, but the question is, do you have the courage to face all those challenges? Or do you quit yourself and resigned to this tiny village?" Cheng Huan asked profoundly.

"Son, this is why I told you this is a blessing as well as a curse. It's a blessing because of great strength, but it is also a curse because you have to face hardships three times greater than others, son, now tell me, do you satisfy with a little bit of a blessing or go out there and face those hardships to change your fate?" Cheng Huan is now deeply looking into Tian Jian's eyes for his response.

What a Joke? If he is afraid of this little hardship, then how will he face the Gaint Feng Clan and rescue his parents? Even when he was three months old, he was not afraid of Feng Clan, but now he is cultivating to become strong, so how can he back off from the hardships? If he back off now, then he is giving up his revenge, but can he do that? Absolutely not.

His father's words didn't affect his heart, but those words ignited his fighting spirit. He firmly decides to earn those resources with his strength, but if someone obstructs his path, then he won't spare anyone because they are not obstructing his cultivation path, but they are obstructing him from taking his revenge, which he never forgives.

"Father, How can I back off in the face of hardships? IF I back off now, I will regret my entire life. I won't resign my life to his tiny village, and this village can only be my starting point, and I will go out there to the vast continent and face those hardships with my strength, and with my strength, I will also change my fate." Tian Jian tightly gripped his fists, his eyes are full of confidence, and with a strong determined voice, he told his words to Cheng Huan.

Cheng Huan is startled by his son's determination, and even he doesn't have this kind of determination. At the same time, he is very happy with his son's determination, and who would have such a strong determination at this young age, even adults won't have this kind of determination.

"Son, I am very happy with your response." Cheng Huan said in a gratified tone.

"Son, now that you know your condition, so with this basic tier technique, you won't be able to enter the Mortal Body Realm, so you would at least require a Tier-One Technique. But by seeing your comprehension levels, I have decided to Give a Tier-Two Battle Technique, So would you learn it or not?" Cheng Huan said with a mystifying smile.

Cheng Huan knows his son very well. His son always wants to learn high-level Battle techniques, But he has only given him a Basic-Tier technique for his strong foundation. And also, at that time, he didn't think that his son's comprehension would be absurdly high, so he has given him only a Basic-Tier technique. Now he decides to give him Tier-Two Technique, but he just wants to tease his son a little.

"Father, are you really giving me Tier-Two technique?" Tian Jian couldn't believe his father's words, and he thought that his father would only give him Tier-One Technique for his strong Foundation.

"What? By seeing your reaction, I think you don't want this Tier-Two technique." Cheng Huan said jokingly.

"No, I definitely Want that technique." Tian Jian said hurriedly fearing, that his father may really give him low Tier technique.

"Haa, Haa.., I am quite amused by your reaction." Cheng Huan laughed loudly.

"Father, are you trying to make fun of me?" Tian Jian asked wryly.

"No, I just want to see your reactions. Well, leave that for now. Son, Tier-Two techniques are absolute treasures of our village, so If I want to give those techniques to you, I have to get approval from the elders, But I don't want to expose your talent to everyone for now." Cheng Huan said in a serious tone.

Tian Jian frowned and asked, "But, Father, didn't you say that you would give me a Tier-Two Battle technique?"

"Yes, I did say that, but What I am trying to say is I am not giving you a technique that belongs to our village. I am giving you a technique, That I obtained by chance." Cheng Huan said in a gentle voice.

"So, Father, you are giving your own technique. And also what is the name This technique?" Tian Jian asked with anticipation.

"It is a Sword Type Battle Technique, and the name of this technique is Mantis Sword Slash." Cheng Huan said in a solemn voice.

"Father, What is this weird name?" Tian Jian asked with a confused face.

"It is not weird. The person who created this move got inspiration from the mantis hunting style. One day he stumbled upon a scene of a mantis attacking its prey, and in that scene, he realized that mantis got swift, fast, agile, and an accurate attack." Cheng Huan continued his explanation.

"In overall, he realized that Mantis attack depends on the essence of speed, and its attack didn't carry much power, but by relying on its speed, it can kill its enemies very swiftly. So he took speed into his sword technique, and his sword technique is very swift, fast, and accurate but didn't contain much power. Since he got this sword technique from the mantis battle, he named it as Mantis Sword Slash." Cheng Huan said in a deep voice.

"So, that's how it got its name." Tian Jian said with a realization.

"Son, even though it is Tier-Two Battle Technique, it might is very close to the Tier-Three Battle technique." Cheng Huan's voice resounded in Tian Jian's ears.