Ming Xian

Yang Bai is frantically yelling for his help.

Tian Jian and Lu Bao were startled by Yang Bai's yelling, and they couldn't understand how could a person, who is perfectly fine and energetic a second ago, is now yelling for their help?

"Yang Bai, What happenend?" Tian Jian asked with concern.

"Tian Jian, something is draining my energy, and I had never felt like that before. Is there some kind of evil bug that entered my body and drinking my blood? Ah! Tian Jian, I am very scared now," Yang Bai said desperately,

"Also, I am very hungry now," Yang Bai said with an exhausted voice.

"Growl," Lu Bao also felt the same, but he didn't afraid. He looked at Tian Jian with a dilemma for the answer.

"Haaa, Haaa.." Tian Jian suddenly laughed at Yang Bai.

"Tian Jian, What is the meaning of this? Is my agony a funny thing to you?" Yang Bai asked with a miserable voice.

"Yang Bai, What do you think? Do you think some kind of bug entered your body? No, This is the result of your training."

"The Last move you performed almost draws out your entire Blood Qi, So now you feel exhausted beyond limits. But it is also a good thing because from now onwards, the amount of Blood Qi you could absorb from your food will also increase, and this, in turn, will lead to an increase in your cultivation." Tian Jian, with a joyful face, said in an assured tone.

"What!! Tian Jian, what you said, is that true? But Why didn't you said that before, and if you said beforehand, I would have brought all my favorite food to eat, Now I am Hungry to dead,"

"Now I don't have food to eat, so what can I do? Woo, Woo, Maybe I will become the first person in this village to die because of hunger. Tian Jian, you have killed me to a silly cause." Yang Bai is continuously wailing.

"Yang Bai, You don't die that easily. Because I also faced the same kind of situation, and at that time, It was Uncle Sun Hai who helped me, and now also Uncle Sun Hai is nearby, and we could ask for uncle Sun Hai's help." Tian Jian calmly said.

"What are you waiting for then? Immediately call uncle Sun Hai, or else I will starve to death." Yang Bai furiously ordered Tian Jian.

"Ok, Ok, Wait for While,"

Tian Jian signaled Sun Hai to come, and after that, Sun Hai arrived at lightning speed.

"Young Master, why have you called me?" Sun Hai asked politely.

"Uncle Sun Hai, My friends' unexpectedly mastered a technique out of a sudden spark, and their Blood Qi is fully exhausted because of that, so could you go and hunt a beast for them." Tian Jian calmly explained the situation.

"Young Master, This is a simple task, so you don't need to worry, and I will immediately go and hunt down an origin beast for them." Sun Hai said assuringly.

"Ok, Uncle Sun Hai, I would be depending on you for this trouble." Tian Jian said with a smile.

After that, Sun Hai went deep into the forest to hunt down an Origin Beast, and after some time, Sun Hai effortlessly came with a huge beast carcass on his shoulders.

Only after seeing Sun Hai, Yang Bai breathed relaxed. After that, Tian Jian and Sun Hai skinned the beast carcass, and after skinning it, they neatly butchered the meat and prepared it for grilling.

Tian Jian had already gathered all the herbs, spices, and wood required for grilling the meat.

Tian Jian gently applied all those herbs and spice essences to the meat and started grilling it on the fire.

Slowly wonderful mouth-watering fragrances filled entire the surroundings.

Yang Bai couldn't control himself even before the meat is prepared, and with his greedy eyes, he started drooling around the meat which is being prepared.

Immediately after the completion of cooking, Yang Bai hastily tore off one of its legs and started devouring its meat with humongous bites, and the huge beast's leg has vanished in front of Tian Jian and them before they even react.

Lu Bao was afraid of Yang Bai's appetite, and he felt, even now, if he doesn't start eating, then there won't even remain a single piece of meat for him.

Lu Bao also tore one of its legs and slowly started eating. He is gently biting and swallowing the meat, and in contrast, Yang Bai is eating like a Tao Tie born for eating.

Before Lu Bao finishes single-leg, Yang Bai already finished three legs, and now he is eyeing the beast's body.

Lu Bao was terrified by Yang Bai's eating speed, so he also hastens his eating speed, and when Yang Bai notices that Lu Bao also increased his speed, he hatefully glared at him.

'This bastard is now eyeing on my meat.' Yang Bai hatefully thought inside.

Tian Jian was also amused by this scene, and he laughed inside himself.

In a short time, the carcass of the huge beast disappeared, and even its bones didn't remain.

"burp!" Yang Bai, with a satisfied smile, patted his bulged belly.

Yang Bai is leisurely enjoying his time lying carelessly on the ground with a great sense of accomplishment. But Lu Bao is moving to and fro to digest his meal.

Tian Jian left his friends and started his own practice, and Sun Hai has also left that place. Everyone is immersed in their own world.

Far away from the forest where Tian Jian and his friends are currently located exists a floating mountain.

That Mountain is located far away from Lan Shan village, the Flood Dragon Kingdom, the Eastern Region, and even the deadliest Yellow Sea. And It is located at the center of the mighty and dominating Central Region.

That mountain stood proudly in the air and spreading an ancient and sacred feeling to everyone who comes into the vicinity of it.

Anybody can't climb that Mountain. Only a fated person or a person of high status can climb that Mountain.

The Name of that sacred Floating Mountain is The Destiny Mountain.

On the highest peak of Destiny Mountain, there exists a cave. In that Cave, a person was seated on a jade platform in an emerald-colored robe.

That person has slightly wrinkled skin and pale hair. He looked like a middle-aged person. On that person's forehead, there exists a mark, with a tiny turtle in a circle.

That person looks like a great divine being who came down to earth, and everyone could feel inferior in front of that person.

Around That person, there are no trees, but the leaves are continuously falling from nowhere.

That person is always interested in Falling Leaves. He was once enlightened because of a Falling Leaf.

Once upon a time, he stumbled across a tree and too high on the tree, there was a pale-colored old leaf, which draws out its entire life energy in it.

At that time, there was no wind, but since the leaf is too old, It was fallen out from high above the tree.

Since there was no wind and because of its lightness, the leaf is falling at a slow speed, and that person also observed that scene.

That person casually calculated the spot where it would land with his perception, and he exactly calculated that spot, and he was waiting for his calculations to come true.

But at that time, an unforeseen incident occurred, and a gale suddenly came out of nowhere.

That gale changed the trajectory of the leaf, which is still hovering in the air. Because of that, the leaf landed far away from the original spot the person calculated.

This incident heavily impacted that person, and he questioned himself,

'Why did the leaf changed its trajectory?'

'A sudden gale has changed its trajectory.'

'why would there be a sudden gale?'

'Maybe the Yellow Sea had turbulent waves.'

'Why would there be sudden turbulent waves?'

'maybe something in the ocean caused this.'

'So something that had occurred in the ocean had changed the trajectory of the leaf. So a cause happened somewhere decided the fate of the falling leaf.'

He got some clarity as well as new doubt.

'My question is, Is it the Fate of the leaf that invisibly made those causes happen? or It's those causes that changed the fate of the leaf?'

After that question arises, he got an answer,

'I get it now! It is the cause and effect cycle. Causes will become effects and effects will become causes,'

'So in order to calculate a fate, I must know both karmic causes and karmic effects, and when I know both of them, I can calculate the fate of a person.'

That person with ecstasy about his new enlightenment started studying the karmic cause and effects.

And after a long period, he became a famous diviner of this continent.

And in fact, he is the topmost diviner on the Tian Yun continent, and once in the past, he slightly calculated the fate of the continent itself.

And his name is "Ming Xian,"