Azure Chamber Of Commerce!

Tian Jian was startled to hear an angry lady voice, so he immediately narrowed his eyes keenly at the battle, and with some great difficulty, he noticed a lady in the group in a male costume.

"She is a lady!" Tian Jian exclaimed.

That lady elegantly lashed her hand with a long, flexible, and spiked whip in it.

Immediately after, the whip in her hand twisted around one of the ape's neck, and then, she pulled her hand, which resulted in violent twitching of the ape's neck and its death in a fraction.

The ape neck was pierced with small holes from which the blood was gusting out when it collapsed on the ground.

After its death, the members of the team loudly cheered, "All Hail Little Mistress!"

The lady ignored those cheers and snorted.