Under the confused and dazzled eyes of Luo Yang and Mao Zian, the Wei Xiu group dashed towards their destination on fiery foxes.
Those two who acted like enemies became suddenly gentle towards each other.
"Brother Luo Yang, What has happened earlier?" Mao Zian asked with the lingering surprise in his eyes.
"I don't know, brother Mao Zian, but I have an absurd guess!" Luo Yang said with uncertainty.
"What is it?" Mao Zian abruptly raised from the ground as he sharply demanded.
"I think it's that kid who is the reason for our misfortune!" Luo Yang slowly said.
"That Kid? How is that even possible?" Mao Zian was dumbfounded.
"My guess that kid is some devil practitioner and cursed our mounts with some evil curse." Luo Yang hatefully said while grinning.
"What an audacity he has?" Mao Zian gruffed angrily.