Azure Chamber Of Commerce!

In front of Tian Jian, A brimming Crowd was moving to and fro with different faces, and if Tian Jian had to say, he would say the Azure Chamber Of Commerce building was the liveliest place he ever saw.

Upon entering the building, he saw so many counters with a line of enthusiastic people.

The counters were named Exchange, Sale, Appraisal, and like that. The first floor is divided into blocks, like, pill block, herbs block, general block, artifact block, antique block, techniques block, and like that.

Tian Jian believed fire stones would be available in the general block, so he went to the sale counter of the general block, and upon arriving at the counter,

The female receptionist of the counter saw him then politely asked, "Young Master, What do you want?"

"I want Tier-One and Tier Two fire stones, so could you tell me the prices of those?" Tian Jian also politely requested.