Tracing For Tian Jian!

Unexpectedly, Lu Bao and Yang Bai's match ended up in a draw, which surprised everyone, as they had already seen Yang Bai's strength, so when they realized there was another person equal to Yang Bai in might, they couldn't believe it for a few moments.

After the competition finished, Hao Fu stood up and loudly said, "Congratulations to the two winners and Lan Shan village. You two deserved to be the champions." he then continued,

"I also congratulate all the remaining 300 youths cleared the first round, as you are all a step away from entering a sect." He smiled before seriously saying,

"But as I said, the battle gonna be really deadly, so if you want to quit, you can quit, but only now, and once we entered the city, there is no turning back."

No one raised the objections, so Hao Fu solemnly continued,