Status Exposed!

"Aren't you Tian Jian? When did you become big?" Yan Chao loudly exclaimed.

The surroundings people around Yan Chao also shifted their attention to Tian Jian when they heard Yan Chao's yell.

Wang Shun, Ye Jia also looked in Tian Jian direction and were dumbfounded to see him as a 16-year youth.

They were sure that he was Tian Jian, or else he wouldn't have gone in the direction of the Yang Bai and Lu Bao.

The youth before Yan Chao sternly gazed at him for losing his composure at such a high stage.

"Yan Chao, Know yourself!" He severely reprimanded.

"Sorry, Young Master Mao He, I lost myself when I saw that Tian Jian," Yan Chao guiltily said. 

"What Tian Jian, he is Feng Jian," A youth beside Mao He defended.

"Feng Jian?" Mao He frowned.