Disturbing The Order!

"I can disturb the order; maybe," Tian Jian muttered.

Tian Jian looked at his teammates and seriously said, "Guys, I think we can disturb the order of the battle,"

"Leader, we are just a small team, so how can we disturb the order of the battle?" Qi Quan doubtfully asked,

"By killing their backup teams one by one," Tian Jian replied in a vague tone,

"How can it disturb the order?" Everyone had the same doubt,

"Just do as I said, and you will see the results," Tian Jian said and looked at a particular hell demon backup team who were keenly looking at their support team and ready to take action in case of emergency,

But suddenly Tian Jian and his group rushed at them, and by seeing Tian Jian's group action, they were startled but anyway they took their weapons to defend,