Tian Jian's Plan!

"You are on your Young Lord Gong Xin's order, correct?" Tian Jian's voice had like a king of hell reverberated in Iron Xin city people.

"You!" Those two people trembled as they yelled. They couldn't understand how Tian Jian knew all about their secret information, and they even thought Tian Jian might have known some telepathy or something like that.

By seeing their reaction, Tian Jian had confirmed his guess while Hao Yun was even more confused.

"Brother Tian Jian, what is happening here? Why would Gong Xin want someone to tail you?" Hao Yun surprisingly asked.

"That I also don't know the exact reason, but I can guess a few things." Tian Jian replied with uncertainty.

Tian Jian didn't know for which reason Gong Xin had sent spies. In the past, Gong Xin feared his talent, and that's why he sent someone to kill him.