Break From The Illusion World!

"Kill your friend Tian Jian!" A cold voice reverberated in Lu Bao's ear.

When Lu Bao heard those words, he shuddered with fright as he had never imagined one day a strange voice would order him to him the Tian Jian.

He wanted to yell that he wouldn't do that no matter what the voice said, but he couldn't make any noise under some suppression.

"Young Man, you only have two choices, one is you will kill Tian Jian, and the other is I will kill you instead." Once again, Lu Bao heard a cold voice.

Even under such threat, Lu Bao didn't betray his friend, and then that voice started to become even cold, "Young Man, quickly choose one option."

"I won't take any option!" Lu Bao thought inside. But the strange power talking to him as if listening to his thoughts said, "You dare to oppose me!"