Return [2]


Slumping on the ground, I greedily breathed in the oxygen in the air. Blood dripped on the ground as I bled from all of the orifices on my face. 

'Damn it, that was no joke'

An ranked individual's pressure was no joke. For a brief moment of time, I thought that I was going to die just from his stare alone. 

Fortunately for me, he was too far from where I was. By the time he had arrived, I was already long gone. 

Still, just the recollection of the pressure he emitted made me tremble in fear. 

It was scary. 


Groaning, I lifted my head and looked around.

"Haaa, guess things worked out." 

I breathed a sigh of relief. 

Once I looked up, I realized that this was the same room as before, the private portal room. Thanks to the Monolith ring that I had taken from Luther, I was able to teleport to this room.