Beginning of the assault [2]

Ohmm— Ohmm—

A repetitive humming sound echoed, and what followed after were the tapping of footsteps, each sounding different. Some were heavier, some lighter, and others so faint that unless one paid close attention, they wouldn't be able to hear it.

Slowly, emerging from the portal that Douglas had set up, were the elders and the respective fighters of the other race.

"What's going on?"

"Where be ye?"

"Where is this?"

The moment they became aware of their surroundings, a multitude of different questions rang in the air. An atmosphere of anticipation and slight nervousness ensued.

"Please be quiet for now."

Waiting on the other side of the portal, Douglas tried to organize everyone present. 

Because of the number of people present, it took quite a while for them to get out of the portal.