Situation in Kuzma [4]

[Demon Domain, Kuzma City] 

The demons stood idly by as the orc horde marched closer and closer to their city, a ferocious and bloodthirsty light glowing in their eyes the whole time.

"Careful! Stay behind the barriers, and don't move!" 

"Keep attacking from where you are!" 

The orcs were an intimidating sight, with their muscular bodies covered in thick, matted fur and their jaws lined with two long, pointed tusks. Each orc wielded a massive weapon, swinging it with deadly accuracy as they charged at the walls of the city.

Boom―! Boom―! The ground shook with the force of the orcs' approach, and the demons watched with a mixture of amusement and disgust.

They had long known that the orcs were planning an attack on their city, but they had not expected them to come so soon or so aggressively.