"Sarita Ji is busy preparing for elections to ensure a win for herself and other group members. She has been talking to me individually and guiding me and may not be available for another few months. Her son and daughter-in-law have come from the US and she has to attend to them." Uma informed all present.

"Rakesh has turned out to be a burden on this group and he should be removed for our safety." One person proposed.

"We haven't enjoyed our RED PARTY since the last many months and Royal Club has regretted our entry."

"Manager Raman of Royal Club has developed another group which entertains guests and also many of them are spending nights with those who chose to do so. This may prove bad for us and our secret moves will become public." One female attending the meeting informed me.

"I can't reply to these and we have to get a reply from Sarita Ji." Uma said.

The meeting dispersed and Raghav was unable to make any sense. The activities of the group were not clear and the meaning of Red Club and Red Party couldn't come to his mind. Uma leading meetings and referring to Satita's name also made no sense.

He also left the place behind the group silently and stealthily. He came to his car and waited for help. One auto helped him with petrol to reach the nearest fuel station. He reached home almost in the early hours of morning after enquiring in many places. His mind was filled with irrelevant facts and there was no connection with any one known to him.