While everyone is questioning me all at the same time, I am looking for a valid reason to explain my condition. After a while, a good idea crosses my intelligence, I have it.

-Anna explains to us what you have, almost yells Lucie

I breathe deeply as I wipe away my tears and adopt a mine of extreme pain. I breathe and respond with difficulty.

-I have, ai ! I have a great pain in my lower abdomen, I have a lot of pain I can't move anymore

-My poor, she said sadly

-I'm going to look for the supervisor as she can't move, said Benja, leaving me in Lucie's arms.

-Done quickly

I am not a fan of lying, but given how everyone stares at me and in the state in which I find myself, I had to find a valid reason that will allow me to return, talking about returning, I must call my brother. I will probably disturb him and he will probably worry, but I have no choice and even if I do not the supervisor will do it, so much the better that I do now so that he starts. With a slow movement I take out my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge+ gold and dial my big brother Luke's number as slowly as possible and hands the phone to Lucie.

-Call my brother, said he to come and get me, I said in a small voice.

Annabess' older brother Luke was in a posh restaurant with his girlfriend when his phone started ringing insistently.

-whore ! Who calls me so insistently ? Ralle does he

-But answer you'll see, she replies annoyed

He grabbed his phone and smiled at the appellant's sight.

-It's my sister, excuse me

-Halo !

-Halo Ya Luke

-It's not my sister's voice, who are you ?

-My name is Lucie, I am a friend of your sister, she is suffering come and get her as soon as possible

-I'm coming

-What's going on ? she said, worried

-My sister is unwell, I have to look for her. I call you later, he said, he was given a flash kiss on his mouth.

-Madame Ngo what do you have ? Asks the supervisor as soon as he gets to my height

-Sir I have a terrible pain in my lower abdomen

-Well, is the pain intense ?


-Did you notify a member of your family ?

-Yes sir, my brother

-Come wait for him in my office

-Okay sir

-I accompany you, offers Benja

I leave the corridor accompanied by Benja and the supervisor, what is a love, I love him very much for these qualities, if he knew the reason why I cried I think he would have helped me to cry well in the proper sense. Arrived in the office, Benja made me sit down and then sat down in his turn. Thirty minutes later my brother erupted in the supervisor's office. He observes me for a minute and then talks for a long time with the supervisor. Their discussion ended, he comes back to me.

-Anna, get up. We're leaving

-I can't move, I said to him in a small voice.

-I can't hear you

-Nazali ko yoka passi pona ko telema, nazali ko yoka passi nassé y'a liboumu. Sounga ngai pô eté na telema, I said to him in Lingala one of our national languages.

Benja left laughing, he laughs at my accent, he says that my accent in Lingala is far too French.

-Na yoki. Benjamin helps there to get up and walk.

I cling to my best friend's arm until I get to the car. During the journey I wanted to disappear. My GOD forgive me I lied I repeat it all along the way and tears still flowed down my face. I feel super ashamed and I deserve it, but what took me ?

-You cry, you always hurt at the bottom ? He said, turning his head on my side looking worried

-No, sava, I replied, wiping my tears

-Why are you crying ?

-For fun, I replied with a faint smile.

He bursts out laughing, taking me with him. I had to mimic a sudden pain for him to stop laughing, otherwise he would have discovered that I have nothing especially that he is a doctor. But I think he guessed after all it's my brother he knows me.

-You're crazy, he finally said, trying to channel his desire to laugh and focusing on the road

-Last news, I have been since my birth I say with a smile

-She smiles finally, I drop you off at home, don't worry Tamara is there

-Okey, I blew

As soon as his car parks at the entrance of the house, I get off continuing to pretend to be in pain, he drives me to my room and then squeezes me very hard in these arms, I almost forget my pain.

-I love you my insect

I open my eyes wide, it was so sudden that I felt like a monster, lying really didn't have in my character trait, but I have to go all the way. I can't hold back a tear that escapes and ends up answering.

-I love you Yaya

He tenderly drops two kisses on my eyes and one on my forehead, it doesn't look like him at all to be so tender and gentle with me, time better enjoy it because these are very rare moments.

-I will be here tonight at dinner.

I smile at him in response. He walks away from me leaving me standing like a beam in my room. As soon as I felt that he was far enough away, I collapsed to the ground crying all the tears of my body. It's not for Mike but for my GOD. PAPA forgive me I fished unintentionally I did not know how to renew my intelligence as you recommend us to do, PAPA I come before you so that you dry my tears completely you can console my broken heart. After saying these words I get up and then get on my bed or fall asleep listening to praise in the phone.

-Anna, Anna, Anna, says a sweet female voice insistently

-Anna, wake up! Shouts a male voice

-Humm ! It's good I get up, Yaya! What do you do in my room? Do I say in a stunned voice

-It is obvious that I come to wake you up, go get rid of you and go down the dinner will be served soon

-I am not hungry, eat without me-Run you and go down for dinner, the parents have arrived.

I get up from bed sighing loudly, I decide to take a cold shower to forget this horrible scene. Thin tomorrow everyone will talk about it especially as I will be there. Ah, I don't care. Dressed in a green tank top and a black jog, I have my underwear downstairs, so...

I go down like a zombie, to my surprise my Anie jumps disappointed as soon as I reach the last step of the stairs.

-I missed my little princess you, I said cheerfully, squeezing her very hard against me

-My Zayoune I missed you

-Liar, you brought me back what ?

-I tell the truth Zaya, I brought back zocolas !

-Great we will eat them together.

I walked fast to the dining room, holding my princess firmly with my left arm. I silently enter the dining room which is animated by a great discussion between adults. I set Anie to my left and pull a chair to her right and sit down.

-Hello Dad ! Hi Mom !

-Hello my daughter, replied my Father. Do you feel better ?

-I feel better Dad, and the trip ?

-It went well.

I was surprised not to hear my Mother's greeting, but hey. All are installed, my Father sits at the end of the flat rectangular table in white painted wood, my Mother on his left, Anie on his right. Ya Richard to the left of Mom followed by Tamara and Ya Luke. The table is well set, the smell of the dishes is enticing. Dad said a prayer and then we attacked the meal. At the end of dinner everyone took their direction, I went up with Anie followed by Ya Luke.

-I squat your room today says Ya Luke entering my room after Anie and me

-No problem.

He comes out and comes back dressed in his pajamas and with Anie's in his hand. I change it and also change myself in my dressing room and then we take a seat on the bed, fortunately it is big enough. Little by little my eyelids slowly close and plunge into my Mundo.

-Anna, Anna, Anna ! Do you really think I could marry a woman like you?

-Why not, I am a woman after all, full of good quality

The man who stood in front of me, began to laugh sarcastically.

-But we are not from the same world, on the other hand I must admit that you are very good, I will accept to make you mine tonight, he said, grabbing my arm strongly and pulling me towards him

-Let go of me you're just a brute, let go of me

-I want you my pretty

-NO! NO! NO! Lord help me, NO! Howling I

He stops for a while and then tightens his grip on my arm making me scream in pain, I deign to look at his face but I see only darkness although the color of his but is black, I can not see the rest of his body and it petrifies me, he starts laughing again and this time his laughter is diabolical.

-Who is your Lord ? He says in a mocking tone

-Get away from me whoever you are, in the name of Jesus pronounced I fear, in the name of Jesus pronounced in faith, in the name of Jesus... I screamed with faith and courage.

Suddenly, I opened my eyes wide as I got up and walked through my room with my eyes. Oh my god. Ooooh! My Lord said, breathing loudly, it was only a horrible nightmare.

Translation of sentences from Lingala into Englais

*Nazali ko yoka passi pona ko telema, nazali ko yoka passi nassé y'a liboumu. Sounga ngai pô eté na telema: I have

trouble getting up, I feel a pain in my lower abdomen. Help me get up

*Na yoki : I heard

*Zayoune, Yayoune : Big sister

*Zocolat, Chocolate : Chocolate.