how long have you been here .. i am
looking you she told her while Maham
takes cold drink by her hand.
But I told you to come to the ground۔
Yes, but the ground is not small, she says,
rolling her eyes۔
Can i ask you something mahi says
looking at imaan face
Ask. Even though Iman knew she would
ask a useless question.
People say that the idea has come in the
heart but the work of thinking is of the
mind then why the idea comes in the
heart? Maham asks, blinking her eyes
If you participate in the speech, you will
top from the bottom۔ iman said
When she understad her words she shout,
"I will not leave you, I will kill u
iman God forbid, you just keep burning
from me.
After hearing this, Iman smiles and walks
towards the gate Maham also goes
Why are you late?
You know about Maham , she had some
work to do so, she says with a smile.
She is a good girl, but you always get
angry with her۔
When she would go to her room she
stopped and look at her mother' face in
amazement, when would I be angry with
her? He is my only best friend.
mama Whatever you say,
Bro said he will come late night so don't
wait him. She said and go to her room.
Her mother take a deep breath.
I came home Mahim says loudly while
sitting on the sofa.Can i ask you something? Her younger
sister Pari asks her۔
Yes ask!
Why did you come home and announce
your arrival? She asks innocently
So that everyone knows that the witch
has come and everyone hides. And
protected from her attack. The answer
comes from Rahil instead of Mahim who
would have heard the pari's question.
Rahil.. you ... I will not leav u.She throws
a flower pot over him, but Rahil saved
himself by bending down .
Are you crazy? What if I get hurt? He
comes to her and screams and at the
same time grabs her hair and starts
pulling. Now the screams of maham are
echoing in the whole house.
What's going on here At the sudden Rahil
hurriedly left the maham'hair
Dad, you are at home at that time?