

· Myria-annum – 10 thousand years

· Decem-millennium - 10 thousand years

· Myrietes – Greek for 10 thousand years

· Eger – It is a White Metal made from the core of Eger Asteroids. More Expensive than Platinum and Dorf Platinum due to how hard it is to find. Eger's are considered the Most wanted metal in the Universe as it has the unique ability to allow a user to infuse KI into it which can then be used to reform the metal into any shape.

· Dorf Platinum – platinum that is very expensive for its natural ability to become transparent and is also used to make many devices and accessories. Anyone with a single Kilogram of this could get rich quick due to how rare it is to find it.


"Yami, I promise you; This is the End of your Measly insignificant life. Fostered Son of the Ryo Clan, Go Join your family in the Abyss." Threatened the sovereign.

"Just Try, I'll send you, along with all of those corrupt Elders, down with me to the nether." Replied back Yami, Standing with 10 thousand portals ripping opening behind him, read to attack at a moment's Notice.


The Elders bang conjoining their Ki's together. Faster, and faster the build up of dense Ki became. Akarama flash stepped along towards the remaining 10 elders and started to summon his sword.

Rays of light began to collect at his palm till they formed a sword of light.

Suddenly a Large ocular object appeared. It was broadcasting device used to show live action events and it was currently facing towards The Sword wielding sovereign.

Residents around the universe all tuned in as it began to record. Murmurs began, trying to figure out why they're seeing the Sovereign, unexpectedly appear before them carrying a sword.

"What could be happening?" thought the trillions of people watching across the many regions of the universe.

"My beloved people" Commenced Akarama.

"You are all wondering why I'm in the middle of nowhere and why I'm caring such a scary weapon but fear not, this is for my own protection against a heinous criminal that broken free from his cell. This Criminal is the one responsible for the acts of Treason many Myrietes ago and as such, he was caught and sentenced to prison to make him repent his sins."

More Citizens from all around tuned Into the live broadcast and were stunned to hear that such a criminal broke free. All those who were watching and hearing the news from back then, started to remember the scenes that had occurred from then and started to worry for their ruler.

"I've not used a sword since you last attempted to behead me and overthrow the whole Union, it feels as if this is a reunion of sorts for my blade and your neck." mocked Akarama, now looking away from the device and towards Yami.

"Overthrow? Behead? You were always remarkable at creating propaganda and ruling the whole universe with deceit and I guess it hasn't changed." Stated Yami, slowly approaching the Elders and Akarama.

Akarama grew irritated at his sharp reply but acted unfazed to not alarm the viewers.

"Fine. You Want Your Evil Villain to your pathetic Hero Act, I'll give it to you. With the Destruction of my family's region of the universe, I have nothing else to hold me back. I'll eradicate you and come back for All living life as you know it, to appease their angered souls." Declared Yami, now surrounded by dark particles slowly changing the clothes of the convict to a black and red covered Armour.

The armour covered the tall body of Yami and was made up of Eger metal with the innate ability to allow the user to infuse their KI in order to change the armours form.

"Arise Zenny" commanded Yami, through his thought.

A Small spirit formed next to the head of Yami. The spirit took the form of a small orb with circular eyes and a mouth. Though this spirit was only visible to Yami, people around Tier 6 and Above could sense the arrival of such a spirt. Due to this, the spirit would hide it's presence and remain in Yami's mind until called upon. When given tasks to do, the spirit returns back to his mind and would begin the task there, to prevent anyone from realising.

"Yes Master" Responded Zenny.

"Create this and use 85% of the KI that's within my body. I have a feeling that Akarama has something else up his sleeve."

"Master, this is..."

"Yes, I know the risks, but I must do this. Death is not something to be fearful of Zenny. Make sure to tell me once it's been created."

"Very Well Master. It'll take me a minute Master so please hold on till then."

"Akarama, This time, not only are you ready to die, but thankfully, you've brought these old bags to join you on your journey." Yami thought to himself.

Yami aimed his spears towards Akarama and the elders and shot off the thousands of spears in an instant.

The elders with the task of reforming the Black hole's Abyss (Void) were in danger of those being hit and thus were forced to stop their Ki condensing to dodge such incoming onslaught, while the 10 other elders and the Sovereign evasively moved away from the barrage.

"You think that's all my Spears can do?" asked Yami as the spears that'd just missed their targets reversed their trajectory back towards their objectives. It returned for a second wave of bombardment, eating its way through any form of barrier created to stop it.

"These Spears created from Spatial energy; they invoke the Law of Space and Time and can continuously attack until their target is dead. Any form of barrier or shields created to stop it is slowly but surely eradicated piece by piece. So just sit there and wait for your end" laughed Yami with his hand out, controlling the attack.

"There's no mercy for this person any longer. It was my mistake to keep him alive for this long so we shall end his miserable life once and for all" stated the Sovereign ruler looking more and more agitated.

"Turn off the broadcast" he roared, losing his cool, collected appearance he usually wore.

The cameras quickly turned off and Akarama became serious.

"You've been having too much fun; this is something I can't show just anyone so be grateful for witnessing this before you die."

Golden light surrounded the monarch's body and took the form of a Golden white armour also made from Eger Metal. The halos that had been covering his eyes opened to show 4 eyes with white pupils.

"Attack together" he commanded, leading the attack.

To Be Continued...