
- Hello, good morning, said a man, looking to be in his 35th or so. My name is Thierry Williams, very pleased meeting you, he said extending his hand, greeting me

- Good morning, the pleasure is mine, I'm lsabella Fercondine I answered politely, please come in, he entered and finally we sat down.

- It was precisely with your person that I would like to talk. Let me introduce myself, I am an advertising person, I work for a company called World News known throughout America and I also have a very famous website called Reporting Extraordinary Stories, where I write about unusual subjects, describe surprising reports and things as such. And I ended up knowing about you, I bought your book weeks ago.

- Do you want to publish something about me? I questioned him directly

- If I may, I would like to publish a story about you, he replied

- Oh sure, I would be honored

- I believe that you are very busy, so we can schedule a day and time when you are free to talk and you tell me straight, I will always be available.

- We can do it right now, if You may, I have some free time

- Great he settles in a chair, If you don't mind, I'll have to record our conversation, is that okay with you?

- Okay yes, I noticed him opening the bag and getting a tape recorder, he adjusted himself on the chair and looked at me.

- Well, I didn't get to finish reading your book, but the little I read was enough to bring me here. What happened is something very unusual, isn't it? rather extraordinary, could you tell me how it all happened? he asked me seriously, without any expressions.

-Ok i answered and sighed thinking about the best way to briefly describe the story of my life. Well, I'm going to reveal to you that at first I didn't think about writing and turning my little story into a book, but something motivated me, and it made me think that maybe somewhere in the world someone was living in the same chaos I lived , and was identified with the crises, the pains, and finally have some hope from the triumphant overcoming that I had at the worst moment of my life

God certainly inspired me to write the great wonder that he made me live, for who knows, to awaken in people the faith that they have let faint away, to motivate them to believe that he is still the same God who works miracles as before. There are things in life that are nothing more than tests and trials, and often in the midst of storms we allow ourselves to be carried away by fear and despair, we believe it is the end, but maybe it is not, we need to believe that the sun will appear even through cloudy days without any indication, because faith is waiting for what is not seen. And when I had faith, I can say that I was reborn.

Writing a book was the best way I found to tell people: God listens to us in times of distress, and he can always surprise us with the unimaginable, just believe it.